Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Gloves Off: Newt Calls Romney a "Liar," Santorum Hits Paul as "Disgusting" Gloves Off: Newt Calls Romney a "Liar," Santorum Hits Paul as "Disgusting"

Palin Basically Tells Bachmann to Drop OutPalin Basically Tells Bachmann to Drop Out

The Basics: How the Iowa Caucuses WorkThe Basics: How the Iowa Caucuses Work

Chuck Norris Chuck Norris: 10 Questions To Find Our Next President (Part 1) Whom should we nominate to represent the GOP in a fight against President Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election?
John Hawkins John Hawkins: The 10 Biggest Political Debacles of 2011 Rod Blagojevich makes license plates, Sarah Palin gets blamed for Gabrielle Giffords' shooting, and the other biggest debacles of 2011.
John Ransom John Ransom: UAW Picks Targets for Suicide Bombing of US Economy If they can't get what they want at the negotiating table, the UAW will now try the economic equivalent of a suicide bombing of the economy. Never mind that they already destroyed the US automakers and their employees.
Mike Adams Mike Adams: Allison Wonderland She wasn’t always like this. She was raised in a middle class home by educated parents – both of whom are lifelong self-described liberals. They loved her and cared for her. But they also gave her some poor advice, which largely accounts for her downward spiral over the course of the last several years.
Ken Blackwell Ken Blackwell: A 2012 Conservative Case for America's Future The United States is at a fork in the road regarding which way we will go as a people. The 2012 election could be the most important in our lifetime, and conservative leaders have reached a consensus on how to channel the energy and concerns of the American people to realize historic change this year.
Cal  Thomas Cal Thomas: Don't Die Stupid A friend of mine hands me what looks like a business card. It says, "Don't Die Stupid." As America begins another round of voting to select the next president, or retain the current one, what we need is a stupid test. Flunk it and you shouldn't vote.
Pat Buchanan Pat Buchanan: Our Innocents Abroad? Friday's lead stories in The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal dealt with what both viewed as a national affront and outrage.
Caroline Glick Caroline Glick: Is Israeli Society Unraveling? On balance, Israeli society is extremely healthy. Unemployment is at record lows. At a time of global recession, the Israeli economy is growing steadily.
Dave Ramsey Dave Ramsey: Dave Says the Bible Says It's Wise to Save What’s worse, her father is the preacher at our church and he has convinced her that he knows the Lord is coming back in our lifetime. Thinking this, she says there’s no reason to save because it will all be gone anyway.
Political  Calculations Political Calculations: IDing the Biggest Civil Rights Crisis of 2012 We're kicking off the new year by solving the biggest civil rights crisis in America today, at least according to the United States Department of Justice: the racial disparity in the percentage of individuals without current photo identification needed for voting in South Carolina!
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Obama Signs Bill that Kills Bill of Rights Any Senator voting on a bill that would allow US citizens to be arrested, detained indefinitely, even sent to Cuba without being formally charged with any crime is no friend or supporter to the US constitution.
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: Stimulus and Debt are Manna From Heaven Keynesian believer Jon Corzine thought that he could “hypothecate” funds and increase leverage over and over without any costs. Instead, what he learned is that there is a cost to carrying too much leverage and the lessons he should have mastered while he was in MBA school really do mean something.
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: The Never-Ending Battle Between the U.S. and U.K. for Stupidest Government Policy The competitive juices must be flowing, because there’s a new example of government stupidity from the United Kingdom that is hard to believe. As reported by the Register, you now need an ID to buy teaspoons.
Charlotte Hays Charlotte Hays: President Obama: Champion or Enemy of the Middle Class? After turning himself into a veritable caricature of the 1 percent he derides at every opportunity, President Obama has suddenly discovered his true calling: champion of the middle class.
Michael Tanner Michael Tanner: Voters Like Paul's Honesty Let us also stipulate that Paul is not going to be the Republican nominee for president. If he wins Iowa, as polls now indicate is possible, he may well run second in New Hampshire, further deflating Newt and guaranteeing a long, drawn-out primary process.
Mark Calabria Mark Calabria: The Opportunity Costs of Bailing Out Fannie and Freddie Put simply, the Fannie and Freddie bailout is $169 billion that could have been used productively by the private sector to create jobs and/or wealth. Instead it has gone to continue a corrupt and broken system.
Janet M. LaRue Janet M. LaRue: Hawkeye Hoopla and the Rueful Paul Reality My New Year’s resolution is never hearing the words “Iowa caucuses” ever again.
Brian Birdnow Brian Birdnow: The Business of Poverty: Why Poverty Will Never End The anti-poverty industry, although populated by idealistic and earnest workers, depends on an intractably large and growing underclass as a precondition for the continued existence of their own jobs.
Ryan James Girdusky Ryan James Girdusky: George Bush II or Barack Obama Imagine for a moment that the Twenty Second Amendment to the constitution was abolished and George W. Bush in a brokered convention is given the Republican nomination against Barack Obama. Should Republicans vote for him again?
Phyllis Schlafly Phyllis Schlafly: Obama Gives Gambling a Christmas Present Just before sneaking off to Hawaii, where he barred news photos on the golf course, President Obama overturned a longstanding U.S. policy that prohibited Internet gambling.
Tad DeHaven Tad DeHaven: A Guide to the Presidential Candidates' Proposals to Cut Spending There are multiple ways to skin this cat, but I decided to put together a comparison table based solely on the content found on each candidate’s campaign website. I did not consider past statements or votes, the televised debates, or outside sources (unless linked to by a campaign’s website).
Mike Adams Mike Adams: Hannah and Her Brothers Shelby wasn’t expecting such difficult questions when she took a job teaching grammar school in middle Tennessee. But it was an election year and little Emily had been hearing a lot of talk about politics.
2012 Medicare Debate is All About Baby Boomers
Obama Signs the Defense Authorization Bill Into Law comments  (102)  
Final Iowa Poll: Romney 24%, Paul 22%, Santorum 15% comments  (843)  

     Nasdaq 2655.60 +50.45 (+1.94%)
     S&P 500 1280.79 +23.19 (+1.84%)
     NYSE 7637.65 +160.62 (+2.15%)
     10Y Yield 1.89 +0.00 (+0.00)
George Will Predicts That All Will Be Well in 2012 comments  (199)  
A Gentle Reminder From Iran: Oil Production is a National Security Issue comments  (115)  
Perry Skipping New Hampshire, Heading Straight to South Carolina comments  (204)  
A Hot Trend: Concealed Carry Licensing comments  (727)  
Happy New Year! comments  (54)  
Emergency Legislation Might Put Perry, Gingrich, Back on Virginia Ballot comments  (517)  
In 2012, Obama to Press Ahead Without Congress comments  (273)  

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