Friday, January 13, 2012


Gimme More: Obama Requests Another Debt Ceiling Raise Gimme More: Obama Requests Another Debt Ceiling Raise

No Apology from DWS for Repeating Tucson SlanderNo Apology from DWS for Repeating Tucson Slander

Panetta: Army to Withdraw Two Brigades from EuropePanetta: Army to Withdraw Two Brigades from Europe

Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: Obama's "Razist" Lobbyist Moves Up With public attention focused on the GOP primaries, the White House quietly promoted another self-dealing lobbyist to serve as President Obama's top domestic policy adviser. Promises? What broken promises?
Brent Bozell Brent Bozell: Hollywood's Snotty Day in Court It was symbolically perfect that on the same day Hollywood went to the Supreme Court to make the case for broadcast profanity, Entertainment Weekly reported that the next showing of the ABC smutcom "Modern Family" would feature a two-year-old girl dropping the F-bomb. The episode's title will be "Little Bo Bleep."
Larry Kudlow Larry Kudlow: Jon Huntsman: Romney Making Himself 'Completely Unelectable' Huntsman, former governor of Utah and U.S. ambassador to China, said Romney is making himself “completely unelectable” when he makes statements like the one he made earlier Monday about firing people.
John Ransom John Ransom: Obama Can’t See Unemployed from Martha’s Vineyard Underlying the weakness in the economy is a smaller workforce that can not produce what a bigger workforce can. Duh. Does a Harvard degree make you that much smarter than the rest of us that you can’t understand that a smaller workforce means a smaller economy? Yes, apparently.
Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg: To Take Down Obama, Romney Must Win Battle of the Bloat One thing is clear: At best, Mitt Romney is a work in progress.
David Limbaugh David Limbaugh: Everything Is At Stake, All Right On this we can agree with President Obama: Everything he stands for is at stake in 2012. Obama told 500 fawning sycophants in Chicago that he is unrepentant about his policy agenda and intends to treat us to more of the same, much more, in a second term.
Mona Charen Mona Charen: It Isn't Just the Mandate Most people have heard that Obamacare is being challenged as unconstitutional because it contains an individual mandate forcing people to purchase health insurance. That challenge is due to be heard by the Supreme Court this year. But while the mandate is certainly problematic in a system that, at least notionally, is one of limited and enumerated powers, the mandate is not the worst part of this bill -- not by a long shot.
Hugh Hewitt Hugh Hewitt: Rick Perry's Long March Rick Perry is giving up and isn't going home, and some folks in South Carolina have noticed.
John Hanlon John Hanlon: Meryl Streep Takes on Margaret Thatcher in “The Iron Lady” “We shall stand on principle or we will not stand at all,” Margaret Thatcher (Meryl Streep) states late in the new film, “The Iron Lady.” The movie- which explores the life of the masterful former prime minister of England—attempts to show the conservative politician in both her glory and in her latter years. In doing so, it successfully portrays Thatcher’s political successes but stumbles along the way by focusing too much on her health after her tenure as prime minister.
Oliver North Oliver North: Missing the Mark -- Again Our so-called mainstream media have launched a new anti-military feeding frenzy. The furor is over a crude 39-second video showing four Marines apparently urinating on the bodies of three dead Taliban combatants.
Pat Buchanan Pat Buchanan: The True Believer Last May, Ron Paul filed his financial disclosure form, and The Wall Street Journal enlisted financial analyst William Bernstein to scrutinize his investments.
Suzanne Fields Suzanne Fields: Transcending the Gaffe Mitt Romney is learning what candidates before him learned. Small mistakes count, but usually not for much. But big ones can put a man down for the count.
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: America Again Drops in Global Ranking of Economic Freedom The worst news is that America’s decline is not just a one-year phenomenon. The chart shows how the U.S. has dropped from being a “free” nation to being a “mostly free” nation over a four-year period.
Dave Ramsey Dave Ramsey: Dave Says Don't be the Evil Daughter-in-Law I’ve got a feeling that mom and dad didn’t raise their son to have dessert first and then eat his vegetables, but that’s exactly what they are doing. They need to pay their property taxes before they go running off on a bunch of fancy trips.
Humberto Fontova Humberto Fontova: Che Guevara Now Selling Mercedes-Benz The top act at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week featured Mercedes Benz’ Chairman Dieter Zetsche peddling his company’s new gadgetry under a huge picture of Che Guevara, who sported the Mercedes logo on his beret.
Linda Chavez Linda Chavez: Don't Abandon Capitalism It's bad enough when Democrats start playing class warfare, but when Republican presidential contenders begin using phrases like "vulture capitalism," it's time to be really worried.
Paul Greenberg Paul Greenberg: The Idol and the Republic It is that time again, mixing mourning and gratitude, to mark the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. And now we can gather at his still new memorial in Washington.
Paul Greenberg Paul Greenberg: The Unsinkable Mitt There were no surprises in the New Hampshire presidential primary. The voting results followed expectations and the polls.
Crista Huff Crista Huff: This Gas Company Spin-Off Could Bring Big Returns In addition to dividend growth, look for corporate growth via new energy projects.
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: London Metals Exchange On The Block Stymied by banks in the last couple of years to grow their business through new innovation, exchanges are being forced back into the consolidation market.
Political  Calculations Political Calculations: The Number of New Jobless Benefit Claims for the First Week of 2012 Today new data marks the fourth time in the last six weeks in which the size of the change in the reported numbers from week to week has exceeded one standard deviation. That's specifically what we're looking at when we suggest that the established trend may be beginning to break down.
Paul Tracy Paul Tracy: These 3 Stocks Are "Lifetime Income Generators" More investors are putting their trust in these stocks, which I like to call "lifetime income generators."
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Core Retail Sales Decline Considering the massive 50% off entire store sales that it took to clear merchandise in December, this may have been the last gasp of this economic "recovery".
Bill Tatro Bill Tatro: Late Notice: Consumers Cancelled Christmas The retailers opened for business not only at the customary time of 12:00AM on Black Friday, but also unlocked their doors on the evening of Turkey Day.
David Sterman David Sterman: The 2 Best Stocks to Own for Tax Season These software programs are remarkably similar to each other, and this year's programs look and feel a lot like the offerings from last year. Frankly, it's hard to make a case for one tax software package over the other as they are both quite good.
Stewart Scott Stewart Scott: Armed UAV Operations 10 Years On The UAV threat was hardly the only factor, but consider how Osama bin Laden's communiques declined from comparatively regular and timely videos to rare audiotapes.
Mark Baisley Mark Baisley: US Navy Shows Up Iran in Strait After treating the Iranian fishermen to medical attention, supplying them with food and liquids sufficient for their return trip to Iran, the American sailors sent the Al Molai on its way. All 13 fishermen were sporting a USS Kidd ball cap as they sailed toward home.
Tony Katz Tony Katz: Ron Paul's Problem Is the Ron Paul Supporter Much of what people find objectionable about presidential candidate Ron Paul isn’t his policies or principles; it’s his followers.
Steven Aden Steven Aden: Planned Parenthood Made Me Rich, and All I Got Was a Nagging Conscience Apart from a return to free market-based economics in DC, it seems one of the most lucrative things a CEO in need of job could do is pursue a position with one of Planned Parenthood’s 81 affiliates. After all, CEOs in those positions pulled in an average salary of $158,797 last year.
Jerry Bowyer Jerry Bowyer: Forget Systemic Risk, Let's Look For System Saving Events What is more plausible is that the people themselves see the error of his (and their) ways, chastened by the results of our ill-conceived experiment in cool socialism, and they elect a president who leads us back towards freedom.
Cliff May Cliff May: Muslims Attacked! It’s funny, in an Orwellian way, that in Europe there are now militant groups with such cutesy names as Sharia4Belgium and Sharia4Holland.
Benjamin Bull Benjamin Bull: Special Rights For Some Undercut Equal Rights For All While we sit in our soft chairs watching big screen TVs and complaining that microwave popcorn takes too long to cook, activists backing the homosexual agenda relentlessly march on. Availing themselves of avenues that are notably left of center, both culturally and politically, they incrementally pursue and secure special treatment under the guise of “rights” and “equality.”
Chris Edwards Chris Edwards: Keep the Federal Pay Freeze Average federal worker wages rose 1.3 percent in 2011, or slightly more than the 1.2 percent increase in average private wages despite a wage "freeze."
Ann Coulter Ann Coulter: Who Wouldn't Enjoy Firing These People? Earlier this week, Mitt Romney got into trouble for saying, "I like being able to fire people who provide services to me." To comprehend why the political class reacted as if Romney had just praised Hitler, you must understand that his critics live in a world in which no one can ever be fired -- a world known as "the government."

     Nasdaq 2724.70 +13.94 (+0.51%)
     S&P 500 1295.50 +3.02 (+0.23%)
     NYSE 7681.26 +0.00 (+0.00)
     10Y Yield 1.93 +0.00 (+0.14%)
Van Jones: Martin Luther King Original Occupier comments  (142)  
Romney Wins New Hampshire, Rivals Vow to Press On comments  (521)  
Michelle Obama: Tired of 'Angry Black Woman' Stereotype comments  (210)  
Southern Son Rick Perry Banks on Heritage in South Carolina
Obama Appoints La Raza Radical to Control Domestic Policy comments  (508)  
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Continues Her Media Blitz Full of Lies comments  (211)  
Obama to the EPA: 'Thanks for Being as Clear and as Least Bureaucratic as Possible.' Riiiiight. comments  (27)  
Newt's Dwindling Conservative Credentials comments  (169)  
Audio: Rush Goes Nuclear on Newt's Bain Criticism

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