Thursday, February 23, 2012


MSM: Hey, Obama Doesn't Seem All That Committed to His Own Tax Plan MSM: Hey, Obama Doesn't Seem All That Committed to His Own Tax Plan

More Ugly Polling for ObamaMore Ugly Polling for Obama

Christie on Same-Sex Marriage: "I Have the Same Exact Position as the President"Christie on Same-Sex Marriage: "I Have the Same Exact Position as the President"

Jackie Gingrich Cushman Jackie Gingrich Cushman: After Mardi Gras: a Time for Reflection, Reconnection and Humility Lent began this week on Feb. 22. It ends April 8 with the celebration of Easter. In the Christian tradition, the Lenten period is a time of fasting and prayer, preparation and reflection in anticipation of Easter, which commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Victor Davis Hanson Victor Davis Hanson: Jeremy Lin: Achievement Trumps Identity Politics Jeremy Lin is the New York Knicks basketball sensation whose so far brief but amazing performance on the court has set the world on fire in a mere month.
Larry Elder Larry Elder: Actor Samuel L. Jackson -- Vote Your Race What if actor Clint Eastwood gave an interview in which he explained why, in the 2008 presidential election, he voted for John McCain: "I voted for McCain because he was white."?
Michael Barone Michael Barone: Santorum's Loose Lips Can Turn Convictions to Controversy A candidate's strengths can also be his weaknesses. Take the case of Rick Santorum.
John Ransom John Ransom: Save the Planet: Lie, Cheat and Steal! Clearly the UN has the skill to put together a group of scientists who can report objectively on the science behind global warming; especially the part where the remedies include: 1) You footing the bill; and 2) They get your money.
Judge Andrew Napolitano Judge Andrew Napolitano: What If Democracy Is Bunk? What if you are only allowed to vote because it doesn't make a difference? What if no matter how you vote, the elites get to have it their way?
Michael Reagan Michael Reagan: Whitney's Death Should be a Lesson Another tremendously talented American who had riches and fame beyond most people's dreams has killed herself with drugs.
Ken Blackwell Ken Blackwell: Beware the Brokered Convention When serious publications start talking about a brokered convention for the GOP in Tampa next August, beware.
Hugh Hewitt Hugh Hewitt: The End of the Debates and the Romney Campaign Ahead Like most pundits, I dragged myself along through most of the death march of the 20+ debates. Last night's was an exception. After seeing excerpts of the first our of the debate through the last hour of my radio show, I was obliged to dash to another event and thus could only judge the result through the anlayses offered by others.
Cal  Thomas Cal Thomas: Is Censorship the New Pluralism? Pat Buchanan might have seen the end of the line coming at MSNBC when last month network president Phil Griffin commented on his latest book, "Suicide of a Superpower," by saying, "I don't think the ideas that (Buchanan) put forth are appropriate for the national dialogue, much less on MSNBC."
Fred Wszolek Fred Wszolek: NLRB Considering Rule Allowing Jimmy Hoffa To Call & Email Employees In an era when Americans simply want the government to leave them alone and focus on getting the economy going so businesses can create jobs, the message seems completely lost on Big Labor’s agents at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).
Debra J. Saunders Debra J. Saunders: Global Warming and Earthly Lies Environmentalists accuse skeptics of being anti-science and dishonest under the apparent belief that they are honest and analytical. They're filled with their integrity until they get frustrated. They say that they only want to debate, except the debate is over.
Matt Towery Matt Towery: Media Spin on Obama Corporate Tax "Break" a Joke We knew this was coming. In fact, in the first year of the Obama administration, I focused on this very issue. Now it has risen to the level of potential reality. The Obama administration is ready to launch its assault on corporate America in a manner that will extend its current attack on individuals and small businesses to the entire economy.
Kathryn Lopez Kathryn Lopez: Women to the Front on Contraception "Where are the women?" This was the persistent -- but lazy and disingenuous -- cry after the House Oversight Committee began a hearing with an all-male panel over the Obama administration's health-care mandate that would force Catholic organizations to pay for health insurance that would provide contraception, sterilization and abortion procedures to non-Catholic employees.
Larry Kudlow Larry Kudlow: Barack ‘All of the Above’ Obama All of the above: George W. Bush used to say it. John McCain ran on it in 2008. And you hear Republicans talk in similar terms all the time. “All of the above.”
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: Obama’s Corporate Tax Refom: Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic? To paraphrase the Bible, the President giveth and the President taketh away.
Bob Beauprez Bob Beauprez: ObamaCare "Expert-for-Hire" now says Law Will Increase Premiums Like any good shill-for-hire, Gruber maintains that the almost $400,000 he collected in no way compromised his objectivity, and that he "firmly" believed in all his assertions about the cost saving benefits of ObamaCare.
Emmett Tyrrell Emmett Tyrrell: Foster Friess' Joke There is another horripilation on the campaign trail. Someone has told a joke that has roused the virtue police.
Maggie Gallagher Maggie Gallagher: Women's Support For Santorum Surging President Obama, you do not speak for women. Stop claiming -- you and other Democrats -- that when you try to ram abortion-inducing drugs and contraception mandates down the throats of religious charities, schools and health care institutions, you are speaking for women.
Emmett Tyrrell Emmett Tyrrell: Foster Friess' Joke There is another horripilation on the campaign trail. Someone has told a joke that has roused the virtue police.
Charles Payne Charles Payne: The Market as Petri Dish I bring up Bacon and the notion of contradictions and empiricism because this market has entered into a very confusing zone that challenges sensibilities and reasoning.
Political  Calculations Political Calculations: The Billionaire Decay Function Today, we're headed for the stratosphere of annual income earners to see just how long they can expect to stay on top after they become one of the Top 400 taxpayers in the United States.
Steve Chapman Steve Chapman: Obama's Defense of Religion Catholic bishops, evangelical pastors and Republican presidential candidates have been decrying the Obama administration's war on religious liberty. Amid all the uproar, it's easy to overlook something equally important: the administration's many battles for religious liberty.
Cliff May Cliff May: Al Qaeda's Big Fat Iranian Wedding The Bush administration waged what it called a Global War on Terrorism. Yet against Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism, no serious actions were ever taken.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Chris Christie to Warren Buffet "Write a Check and Shut Up"; Advice to Rest: "Don't Send Them Money In the First Place" If you start sending government more money, I guarantee you politicians will find thousands of ways to waste it.
Night Watch Night Watch: NightWatch: North Korea Fails to Carry Out "Merciless Attack" On Sunday, a North Korean officer told the press that North Koreans would respond to any provocation with ``merciless retaliatory strikes.'' On Monday, the North's Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea issued a statement that indicated North Korea is prepared for a ``total war.''
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: Outrage Over Tax Breaks in Illinois For every one percent in the decrease of taxes, there is a corresponding 3% bump in GDP. Illinois ought to be cutting taxes to increase economic growth. Instead, they raised them.
Marita Noon Marita Noon: The Cornered Rats of Climate Change While polls show that taking action to fight climate change is off the radar of most Americans, the behavior of the theory’s advocates is even more telling. They are behaving like "cornered rats"—taking extreme actions to protect their turf.
Marybeth Hicks Marybeth Hicks: Obama's Values Spark Return of Culture Wars In 2007, while still a member of the U.S. Senate, Barack Obama said, “I am absolutely convinced that culture wars are just so ‘90s. Their days are growing dark.”
Carrie Schwab Pomerantz Carrie Schwab Pomerantz: New Baby, New House, New Job -- Is There a Way to Stay in Financial Control? Even positive changes such as a new house and a new baby are known to cause anxiety.
Paul  Kengor Paul Kengor: Satan and Santorum: Perspective from Reagan's Evil Empire Speech The secular world today trembles and shudders at the sight of Rick Santorum speaking on good and evil at Ave Maria University in Florida in 2008.
Shannon Goessling Shannon Goessling: Durban Climate Change Conference Promises UN Court Oversight The world community stepped away from the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Durban, South Africa two short months ago with promises that all nations will submit to the climate control supremacy of the UN – by 2020.
AWR Hawkins AWR Hawkins: Springsteen to Trade "Thunder Road" for "The Road to Serfdom" I well remember 1984, riding with my cousin to see “The Boss” on his "Born in the USA" tour in Lexington, KY. The arena was packed that night, and after playing for about two hours Springsteen looked out at the crowd and asked: “Do you guys need a break?” He then played for another hour.
David Sterman David Sterman: The Best Way to Profit from Rising Oil Prices Right Now It's time to add exposure to crude oil. If prices do indeed rise, then an oil producer is likely to see its stock rise by a significant amount,
Bob Goldman Bob Goldman: Unproductively Yours If a recent research study from a team of Harvard researchers is correct, there's a very good chance that contemplating your accomplishments, or lack thereof, will leave you overcome with sadness and doubting your own self-worth
George Jarkesy George Jarkesy: Obama's War on Coal Despite this formidable multiple wave attack on coal, the industry that appears to be fighting for its survival in the United States, has a bright and profitable future.
Ann Coulter Ann Coulter: What's Their Problem With Romney? As governor of one of the most liberal states in the union, Mitt Romney did something even Ronald Reagan didn't do as governor of California: He balanced the budget without raising taxes.
Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell: The 'Fairness' Fraud During a recent Fox News Channel debate about the Obama administration's tax policies, Democrat Bob Beckel raised the issue of "fairness."
Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: The High Priests of Eco-Destruction Rick Santorum is right. Pushing back against Democrats' attempts to frame him as a religious menace, the GOP presidential candidate forcefully turned the tables on the White House: "When it comes to the management of the Earth, they are the anti-science ones."
Walter E. Williams Walter E. Williams: Math Matters If one manages to graduate from high school without the rudiments of algebra, geometry and trigonometry, there are certain relatively high-paying careers probably off-limits for life -- such as careers in architecture, chemistry, computer programming, engineering, medicine and certain technical fields.
        Thursday, February 23 | 06:28 PM ET
Thanks Taxpayers! Solyndra Employees Getting Bonuses
Tough New Santorum Ad: Using Romney's Words Against Him comments  (256)  
Tolerance: Two U.S. Troops Murdered by Afghan Soldier After Koran Burning comments  (763)  
Makers vs. the Takers: Half of Americans Not Paying Income Tax comments  (216)  
AZ Debate Winners & Losers: Santorum Slips, Newt Rallies comments  (334)  
New Poll: America Thinks Obama Too Liberal comments  (326)  
VIDEO: Debate Audience Boos Birth Control Question comments  (84)  
Debate: Remember When Obama Voted for Infanticide? comments  (69)  
Obama, Romney Unveil Tax Overhaul Plans Today comments  (68)  
Brokered Convention Mania Just Won't Die comments  (138)  
White House: Unemployment Stimulates the Economy comments  (424)  
The Federal Government is Here for You: CFPB Now Investigating Overdraft Fees comments  (58)  
Washington State Considering Abortion Coverage Insurance Mandate comments  (184)  
Chris Christie to Warren Buffett: Write a Check and Shut Up comments  (399)  
Pre-Debate Poll: Romney Leads in Arizona, Dead Heat in Michigan comments  (47)  
Ashes at Tonight's Debate? UPDATE: Ashes for Santorum, but Not Newt comments  (85)  
How Can We Save Social Security from Insolvency? comments  (93)  
[VIDEO] President Obama Sings: Sweet Home Chicago comments  (82)  
Unions Ready to Drop Major Dollars on 2012 Election comments  (1483)  
Fight Night in Arizona comments  (152)  
Unemployment to Jump Back up to 9 Percent? comments  (177)  
Is Higher Education Worth it? College to Offer Occupy Wall Street Class comments  (181)  
Matthews: Unlike Us At MSNBC, Santorum "Leans Backwards" comments  (130)  
     Nasdaq 2956.98 +23.81 (+0.81%)
     S&P 500 1363.46 +5.80 (+0.43%)
     NYSE 8136.24 +41.85 (+0.52%)
     10Y Yield 2.00 -0.00 (-0.20%)
Santorum Says Obama Elected as 'a Rock Star' comments  (693)  
HHS Regs to be Warren's Downfall? comments  (77)  
Polls: Obama Fading Against Romney and Santorum comments  (1029)  
Barack Obama: Greatest Gun Salesman in the US? comments  (336)  
"If Romney Loses Michigan, All Hell Breaks Loose" comments  (1165)  
Revoking Americans' Man Cards One Chevy Volt at a Time comments  (211)  
Super PACs Dominating Campaign Fundraising comments  (98)  
Iran Training Female Ninjas comments  (141)  
Surprise! Planned Parenthood CEO Top Advisor on Contraception Mandate comments  (1086)  

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