Friday, March 23, 2012


Is our society Fair and Balanced ? Should one Party or one Race dominate or get better treatment from the government. Should we have a 2 party system ? are our laws of the country right or do they need upgrading.? How about food stamps? do they tend to keep a well able person from working. ? How about people on welfare do you think that they need it? That brings me to the question of do we need to be a socialize nation or do we want to be a capitalistic nation.
I believe our nation has derailed and is now unbalanced and headed down the wrong road. I also believe the Republican Party should be the party of the nation or independent.
I do not believe that that our country should be a  standard Democrat nation. We have a lot of laws on the books that or definitely wrong or that needs to be abolished. And some need to be upgraded.
People that have food stamps need them but some don’t our Laws need to change to reflect a person or family needs . Each person or family should be checked to see if they qualify. People drawing welfare should also be periodically checked. If you worked and paid social security in for years you should get paid a monthly check ,but in most cases it is not enough to live on. Now that also shows us that the government has spent your social security money and has gone broke . The elderly now or left out and that don’t  set well either because Obama care has decreased the benefits by 50%. \
  Now  please use  your mind and heart and good sense and  judgement an comment if you like.

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