Thursday, March 8, 2012


I've been receiving comments on my posts. Always from the same individuals. Young people who have been following American politics for all of a year or two. And like most young people, they have all the experience necessary to know the truth and to form opinions that our correct. People like myself who have lived and followed politics and America's now rapid decline for over forty years, do not know what we're talking about. I and all who have arrived at conclusions based on forty years of observation, are nuts. These young individual haven't lived long enough or observed close enough. To possibly understand the gravity of what's happening. First of all, they never lived in a country where regulations were minimal. Where opportunity was out there for anyone and everyone who wanted to work in order to achieve it. That's the way it was, forty or fifty years ago, here in America. People who have never experienced that kind of freedom, never miss it. Today, more than at any other time in this nation's history. We live in a country whose government micro-manages every aspect of our lives. Back in those days, a person could start a small business for a couple hundred dollars. I know, I did just that. Today, in the county where I reside and in other counties all over America. Regulations have made it impossible for the average person to do the same. Regulation upon regulation leads to socialism. And today, America is a socialist country. Where does socialism eventually lead a nation? Look at Italy, Greece and Spain. Why are the mainstream parties leading us down the same road? A road that they know full well will end the same way as the countries I just mentioned. Because under Socialism, both parties, although for vastly different reasons, will achieve their goals. I'm wrong? Only time will tell, and it will only be a short time. My life is pretty much over, theirs has just begun. They, much more so than I will feel the brunt of a socialist, all controlling government. Granted, Obamacare will quite likely cause the early death of untold numbers of seniors, myself included. But as history has shown time and time agin. Many oppressed people have felt that death wasn't as bad as life under socialism. And the pain of death only lasts a short time. The pain of Living under a socialistic government is a slow, never ending death.

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