Sunday, May 13, 2012



Happy Mother's Day, from the Romney and Obama Campaigns Happy Mother's Day, from the Romney and Obama Campaigns


What Else Is New: Greek Coalition in Serious DoubtWhat Else Is New: Greek Coalition in Serious Doubt

GOP: The Economy Tops Gay Marriage as a Campaign IssueGOP: The Economy Tops Gay Marriage as a Campaign Issue

Click here to find out more!
Derek Hunter Derek Hunter: Gay Marriage and the Definition of Words Gay marriage is an issue most Americans simply don’t care about. We have opinions on it, but it simply doesn’t register, especially at a time of high unemployment.
John Ransom John Ransom: The Starsky and Hutch President Progressives today have no new ideas. All their ideas hearken back to Communism circa 1930, or FDR’s New Deal. Or the radicalism of the 1960s and 70s. Obama’s presidency amounts to little more than a bad remake of Starsky and Hutch.
Doug Giles Doug Giles: Gay Marriage Will Make Mother’s Day Quite Perplexing I think I speak for most heterosexual males when I say I’m not homophobic but chick-o-centric. Let’s keep it positive, okay?
Salena Zito Salena Zito: The Average White Guy Vote CANTON, Ohio-Rudy is the quintessential average white guy, right down to his last name. "It literally is Guy," he said, laughing at the irony.
Austin Hill Austin Hill: Is The President Being Honest About The “Student Loan Crisis?” Is President Obama right about a looming student loan debt crisis? It depends on how you define “crisis.” But there is a problem, and it is real.
Debra J. Saunders Debra J. Saunders: Obama's Honesty on Same-Sex Marriage Long Overdue President Barack Obama emerged from his ideological closet last week when he said, "Same-sex couples should be able to get married."
Humberto Fontova Humberto Fontova: Che Guevara Adorned Reno-Tahoe Airport A painting of Che Guevara subtitled <i>“Revolucion!”</i> by a Mexican–American artist was on display for over three months at the International Airport in Reno, Nevada, USA. On May 9th it was taken down by airport officials as originally scheduled. Complaints by outraged airport patrons had nothing to do with this removal.
Gina Loudon Gina Loudon: Time Magazine vs Mothers on Mother's Day Willing to neglect all social graces to boost their slow sales at TIME, the magazine pits parental rights advocates against breastfeeding mothers, and makes a mockery of motherhood, in general.
Paul Jacob Paul Jacob: The elephant, crazy like a fox? Media bias? It is not always hidden. The media bias against balancing budgets and paying off public debt is pretty out-in-the-open, these days.
Paul Greenberg Paul Greenberg: The Great American Guessing Game: Who for Vice President? When it come to the Republicans' choice for president this year, it's all over but the shoutin' in Tampa.
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: GOP Bullied into a Tax Hike by President Obama and Senator Reid? So we are facing a big game of chicken. Democrats are holding the defense budget hostage and telling Republicans they have to raise taxes.
Susan Brown Susan Brown: Obamacare's Medicare Scam America's senior citizens deserve to enjoy their golden years in security rather than be faced with the uncertainty of having their beloved Medicare benefits yanked away thanks to provisions within the Democratic Party's darling, Obamacare.
Steven Aden Steven Aden: Is it Cannibalism Yet? There is an undeniable progression from bad to worse in the culture of death. Or, to paraphrase Dostoevsky, who was paraphrasing Jesus of Nazareth, “All things are possible to those who don’t believe.” Therefore, just when it seems we’ve seen man at his worst, a new example of his wickedness arises and reminds us that we haven’t seen anything yet.
Charles Payne Charles Payne: Will America's next Billionaire CEO Embrace and Promote Capitalism? You see the powers that be have already begun a tug-o-war for Zuckerberg to be a Buffet-billionaire or an Ellison-billionaire. The former folksy and begging to be taxed more, the latter thrice married, owner of several yachts that held the title of world's largest and known for doing anything to win in the game of life and business.
Frank Gaffney Frank Gaffney: Farewell to 'Europe'? In the space of two weeks, three European governments have fallen, sending seismic shock-waves across the continent and calling into question the experiment that has consumed its elites for decades: the construction of a centralized, socialist superstate known as "Europe."
Steve Chapman Steve Chapman: Obama's 'Cynicism' on Gay Marriage President Barack Obama's critics have a point in criticizing his handling of the gay marriage issue as evasive, politically devious and lacking in principle. I hate to say it, but it's bad enough to qualify as Lincolnesque.
Rich Tucker Rich Tucker: Driving Prices In these tumultuous times, Americans seem to have trouble finding common ground. But it’s safe to say that most of us can agree that gasoline, at around $4 per gallon, is uncomfortably expensive.
Political  Calculations Political Calculations: Are Baby Boomers Stealing Jobs from the Young? (Part 2) We're going to start by looking directly at the evidence that would seem to support the case that Baby Boomers are making out much better than younger Americans in the Great Recession
Doug French Doug French: The Folly of Forecasting Zandi practices what one of my undergraduate economics professors told our class: "Predict often. That way, when you occasionally get lucky, you can take credit for it."
Robert Knight Robert Knight: Judge Takes a Chisel to the Ten Commandments God Almighty needs an editor, according to a federal judge in Virginia. At least, He does when the Ten Commandments are on government property.
Paul  Kengor Paul Kengor: Allen West and His Critics Congressman Allen West (R-Fla.) is being heavily criticized for comments alleging that certain Democratic members of Congress are communists, and he is not backing down. West dared to quantify his accusation, claiming there are “78 to 81” Congressional Democrats who are communists.
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: The Volcker Rule Corporate bond trading, muni bond trading, many areas of equity and forex trading are simply small private clubs that banks can take a cut on both the entry and exit via their prop trading desks. The Volcker Rule sort of addresses that.
David Sterman David Sterman: After taking out a Major Rival, This Stock Could Finally Double This past September, I laid out why I think this company is poised for a great future. And for a while there, the broader investment community was in agreement.
Mark Calabria Mark Calabria: Wall Street Demands Its Fed Nominees As I’ve written elsewhere, Presidents of both parties have in recent years behaved as if Wall Street owned a certain number of seats at the Fed. It appears Wall Street has now come to collect.
Marita Noon Marita Noon: Wind Energy: The Next Green Black-Hole If taxpayer subsidies disappear, the Wind energy industry will collapse.
Michael Youssef Michael Youssef: Feeling Sorry For the President I feel sorry for Mr. Obama. Regular readers of my blog may be surprised to see those words, but I really do have feelings of genuine sympathy for him. Any human who carries a semblance of spiritual understanding will share in that feeling of sorrow.
Michael Tanner Michael Tanner: Europe's Failed 'Austerity' Given Europe’s continued slow growth, Professor Krugman might have an argument to make — if there actually had been any austerity in Europe over the last two years.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Will Greece Snatch Defeat From the Jaws of Victory? I believe another coalition whose sole purpose is to keep Greece in the eurozone will result in more years of useless torture.
Chris Edwards Chris Edwards: The New Radicals: Democrats The Democrats have changed. The party’s leaders have moved far to the left on economic issues.
Whoops: Biden Apologizes to Obama over Comments
Sen. Paul: C'mon, Obama's Gay-Marriage Views Couldn't Have Gotten 'Any Gayer'   (309)  
More Entrenched Environmentalism, Hurting the Environment   (57)  
Spanish PM Defends Cuts the Day After Massive Austerity Protests
Of Course: France's New Socialist President Is Hugely Wealthy   (979)  
California Facing Larger-than-Expected $16 Billion in Deficit Woes
GAO: Recoverable Oil in Western States 'About Equal to World's Proven Reserves'   (208)  
Rep. Kristi Noem: The President Is Ignoring Tough Choices and Distracting from Real Issues   (154)  
ObamaTouts Mortgage Relief in Swing State Nevada
Funny How Obama Wasn't Such a Fan of "Distractions" in 2008   (256)  
Keep Smiling: North Carolina Now a Political Headache for Dems
Nancy Pelosi: My Catholic Faith "Compels Me" to Support Same-Sex Marriage
Video: MSNBC Host Kicks Conservative Off the Air   (709)  
Hollywood Liberals Affleck, Damon to Host Fundraiser for Elizabeth Warren   (151)  
Oh My: Romney 50, Obama 43 in National Poll   (595)  
"Moderate" Arizona Democrat Has Deep Ties to Left-Wing Radicals, Obama White House   (340)  
Gee, Thanks, Tax Code: Facebook Co-Founder Renouncing U.S. Citizenship Before IPO   (158)  
Memo to Obama: Economic Pessimism Is on the Rise   (247)  
Uh oh: Another Law School Listed Elizabeth Warren as a "Minority"   (185)  
Wisconsin Poll: Walker 50, Barrett 45   (108)  
Planned Parenthood Wants Your Money For Abortions on Mother's Day   (201)  
Sister of Alleged Romney Bullying Victim Never Knew about the Episode   (880)  
Radical Open Border DOJ Attorneys Behind Arpaio Suit

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