Friday, May 18, 2012


No Way: Elizabeth Warren Plagiarized 'Pow Wow Chow' Recipes? No Way: Elizabeth Warren Plagiarized 'Pow Wow Chow' Recipes?


Biden: I Don’t “Blame People” For Voting For West Virginia FelonBiden: I Don’t “Blame People” For Voting For West Virginia Felon

Boston: City Hall Bureaucrats Get Free Cars?Boston: City Hall Bureaucrats Get Free Cars?

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Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: How the Gay-Marriage Mob Slimed Manny Pacquiao Boxing champion Manny Pacquiao is guilty -- of being true to his Catholic faith. The gay-marriage mob is guilty -- of the very ugly bigotry it claims to abhor. And left-wing media outlets are guilty -- of stoking false narratives that shamelessly demonize religion in the name of compassion.
Brent Bozell Brent Bozell: NBC Revives Howard Stern Howard Stern has not been missed since he took his smutty shtick off the airwaves and onto the unregulated Sirius satellite radio. His super fans -- the brainiacs still playing their VHS tapes of a Stern show called "Butt Bongo Fiesta" -- have made the satellite radio chiefs happy, but Stern has almost vanished as an icon of pop culture. He even scaled back his radio schedule to three days a week, semi-retiring.
John Ransom John Ransom: Don’t Like Facebook The difference between the working-class hero worship that attended FDR and the pang that voters feel toward Obama today is made possible by social media outlets like Facebook.
Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg: Generation Pap This is the season of generational twaddle. At graduation ceremonies across the country, politicians, authors, actors and businessmen take to the stage to tell young people they are fantastic simply because they are young. This year, the ritual is more pathetic than usual because there's a presidential election in the offing.
John Hawkins John Hawkins: 15 Facts That Even Obama's Biggest Supporters Should Be Able To Admit Are True "Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts." -- Daniel Patrick Moynihan
David Limbaugh David Limbaugh: It's Not the Same-Sex Marriage, Stupid People have asked what Obama could possibly have been thinking to announce the final step in his "evolution" in favor of same-sex marriage right after another state resoundingly rejected the notion and despite the fact that most Americans oppose it.
Mona Charen Mona Charen: Obama, Barnard and Women The president dropped by Barnard College (my alma mater) this week to deliver the commencement address. It wasn't long planned. No, the college had lined-up a woman speaker -- Jill Abramson, editor of The New York Times. But in March, as part of the "war on women" gambit, the White House decided it needed a friendly female audience before whom the president could strut his feminist stuff. Barnard, bastion of women's rights, dumped the Times gal for him in a New York minute.
Scott Rasmussen Scott Rasmussen: It's the Economy, Stupid Mitt Romney has pulled a point or two ahead of President Obama in polls of likely voters. In polls of registered voters, Obama has the advantage. The president's job approval ratings are hovering in the upper 40 percent range, which suggests a close race.
Larry Kudlow Larry Kudlow: Extend the Bush Tax Cuts Now Boehner is aggressively taking on President Obama's leadership ineptitude on the economy.
Oliver North Oliver North: Welcome Home, Finally Forty-three years ago this week, the fabled 101st Airborne Division launched Operation Apache Snow -- a major ground offensive against North Vietnamese army invaders in the treacherous A Shau Valley.
Pat Buchanan Pat Buchanan: Has the Bell Begun to Toll for the GOP? Among the more controversial chapters in "Suicide of a Superpower," my book published last fall, was the one titled, "The End of White America."
Suzanne Fields Suzanne Fields: Romney Follows the Founding Fathers in Religious Tradition What a country. In one corner, the president of the United States endorses same-sex marriage, evoking his personal evolution with the Golden Rule, "You know, treat others the way you want to be treated." In the other corner, Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican candidate for president, addresses an audience of 35,000 at the Liberty University commencement, one of the largest Christian universities in the country.
Linda Chavez Linda Chavez: Family Mysteries Like many Americans, genealogy has been a keen interest of mine...But what I knew was only part of the story.
Gina Loudon Gina Loudon: While OWS Costs Cities Millions, “Common Sense” Brings Economic Boost A recent article estimated that the total national taxpayer cost of policing and cleanup from last fall’s OWS stands at nearly $30 million.
Paul Greenberg Paul Greenberg: The $2 Billion Lesson Anybody need still another argument for reviving the old Glass-Steagall Act (1933-99), with its salutary separation between commercial and investment banking? If so, JPMorgan Chase has just provided one. A big one.
Rich Galen Rich Galen: Talking (or Not) About Marriage After Vice President Joe Biden backed President Barack Obama into a corner on same sex marriage there has been a flurry of activity surrounding the issue, but not much - if any - coming out of House or Senate Republicans.
Donald Lambro Donald Lambro: Whacking Government Down to Size WASHINGTON - President Obama's budget deficit this year will hit $1.2 trillion, following three previous monster deficits of $1.3 trillion, $1.3 trillion and $1.4 trillion.
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: Rand Paul’s “Monstrous” and “Nasty” Budget Got 16 More Votes than Obama’s Budget Setting aside the snarky comments, all that Rand Paul is proposing is to limit the growth of government so that the federal budget grows by an average of about 2 percent annually.
Political  Calculations Political Calculations: Enabling Disability Fraud There appears to be an increasing level of disability fraud in the U.S., where hundreds of thousands of people end on SSDI after their extended unemployment insurance benefits expire.
Michael Brown Michael Brown: Separation of Church and State: Misinformation and Hypocrisy No sooner had I expressed my differences with the president’s announcement supporting same-sex “marriage” than a young man named Collin posted on my Facebook page, “You have to leave your stupid religious dogma behind when talking about state and national issues. You are basing your objection to homosexual marriage on the Bible which would be violating the American principle of separation of church and state.”
Charles Djou Charles Djou: The Future of NATO This weekend, the heads of state for the member nations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will gather in Chicago to discuss its future. As someone who has served both as a Member of Congress and as a soldier under NATO command in Afghanistan, I have a unique perspective on NATO’s role and future
Phil Kerpen Phil Kerpen: Phony Student Loan Issue Obscures Real Fight Over Spending The interest rate on federal Stafford Loans is a phony political issue. The 6.8 percent interest rate was slashed - at taxpayer expense - to 3.4 percent last year. Now Obama and Democrats in Congress are acting as if the rate returning to its usual level is an economic catastrophe for students. It isn't.
Doug French Doug French: From Rags to Resorts Self-made billionaire Sheldon Adelson says the secret to his success was "never knowing anything" about the businesses he entered. That sounds like an exaggeration, but he emphasized that point when speaking to students at UNLV recently, upon receiving the Hospitality Industry Leader of the Year by the UNLV's Harrah Hotel College.
Mark Baisley Mark Baisley: Getting the State out of Marriage Marriage is a longstanding religious institution, plain and simple. If the state’s only role was recording weddings that churches conducted, there would be less of an issue here.
Chris Poindexter Chris Poindexter: Gold Rebounds Despite Dollar Gain The run on European banks continues only it’s not just Greek bank customers withdrawing euros, but also customers of Bankia SA in Spain who have pulled out over a billion euros in just under a week.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Brain Drain: Businesses and Brightest Minds Flee Italy "In Italy we have two realities, Germany and Greece, in the same borders."
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: Limits on Oil Trading Won’t Change the Price Curbing speculation in any commodity won’t work. It will simply force risk transfer and price discovery into less transparent marketplaces.
Stewart Scott Stewart Scott: Terrorism and the Exceptional Individual Individuals like al-Asiri and al-Wahayshi play critical roles in militant groups. History has shown that the loss of exceptional individuals such as these makes a big difference in efforts to defeat such organizations.
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Obama Gutting U.S. Troops' Benefits But Asking for Afghan Army Funding
Pressure On: House Leadership Tell Holder to Come Forward on Fast and Furious Details   (91)  
Full Audio: Townhall's Exclusive Interview with Mitt Romney   (73)  
Veepstakes: Condi, Daniels Shoot Down Rumors   (82)  
In Defiance of Senate Democrats, USPS Will Begin Office Closures   (49)  
FACEBOOK IPO LIVE: The Social Network Goes Public
House OKs Indefinite Detention of Terror Suspects
VIDEO: Romney Unleashes First General Election TV Ad   (102)  
Evidence Mixed For Zimmerman's Self-Defense Claim
It’s Official: Romney Begins Veep Vetting Process   (205)  
Pentagon Sees Chinese Military Expanding its Reach
Whoa: US Official Says America 'Ready to Strike' Iran   (380)  
Democratic Rep: GOP Hates Women and Diversity You Know   (131)  
House OKs Continued War in Afghanistan
Exclusive Audio: Romney on Reverend Wright   (395)  
Autopsy: Evidence of Marijuana in Martin's Blood
Postal Service to Begin Closing Plants This Summer
Romney 'Repudiates' Conservative Group's Planned Rev. Wright Attacks   (866)  
Head of Planned Parenthood Not Too Happy With Calls for ObamaCare Repeal   (164)  
Former Obama Supporter Lovitz: I'm Being Called a Nazi for Disagreeing With Obama   (260)  
Republicans See Congressional Office Break Ins....After Hours   (153)  
Rush: Only War on Women is the GOP Elite War on Sarah Palin   (544)  
Not a Single Democrat Supports Obama Budget   (251)  
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Census: Minorities Now Surpass Whites in US Births
RFK Jr.'s Troubled Estranged Wife Found Dead in NY
Bernanke Warns Democrats on Budget Brinksmanship   (58)  
VIDEO: Gov. Chris Christie Teams Up With Democrat Mayor of Newark
Obama Under Attack for Health Care, Tax, and Debt Promises
North Carolina: Romney 51%, Obama 43%   (82)  
Bobby Jindal: Obama "Never Even Ran a Lemonade Stand"   (174)  
Why Are the Feds Trying to Kill Tombstone?

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