Thursday, June 7, 2012


Watch: Highlights of Fast and Furious Questions to Holder Watch: Highlights of Fast and Furious Questions to Holder


A Day in the Life of an 'Obama for America' InternshipA Day in the Life of an 'Obama for America' Internship

Holder Doubles Down: Senior DOJ Officials Knew Nothing About Fast and Furious TacticsHolder Doubles Down: Senior DOJ Officials Knew Nothing About Fast and Furious Tactics

Click here to find out more!
Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell: The Real 'War on Women' Among the people who are disappointed with President Obama, none has more reason to be disappointed than those who thought he was going to be "a uniter, rather than a divider" and that he would "bring us all together."
Jackie Gingrich Cushman Jackie Gingrich Cushman: Words Matter Words have power; they create images and possibilities, and provide a window into the future of what could be. The best leaders use positive words to communicate a potential future for a country that is possible if actions are taken. They inspire action, progress and positive results. For words to matter, there must be a solid foundation underlying them. They cannot be all fluff and flutter.
Victor Davis Hanson Victor Davis Hanson: From Hope and Change to Fear and Smear Barack Obama lately has been accusing presumptive rival Mitt Romney of not waging his campaign in the nice (but losing) manner of John McCain in 2008. But a more marked difference can be seen in Obama himself, whose style and record bear no resemblance to his glory days of four years ago.
Larry Elder Larry Elder: The Four Lies About the Economy That Obama Needs Voters to Believe President Barack Obama's re-election turns on his ability to convince voters that 1) Obama inherited a "Great Recession," 2) every "independent" economist supported the "stimulus," 3) "bipartisan" economists agree that Obama's stimulus worked, and 4) as actor Morgan Freeman puts it, racist Republicans say, "Screw the country ... we're going to do whatever we can to get this black man outta here" -- nothing to do with deeply held policy differences.
Michael Barone Michael Barone: Walker Changes Attitudes on Public Employee Unions The results are in, and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has beaten Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett in the recall election. That's in line with pre-election polling, though not the Election Day exit poll.
John Ransom John Ransom: I Told You So Yeah. I know. You all are used to my dazzling wit, cutting political acumen, and my stylish turns of phrase. But really, I know quite a bit about finance too, even if I use my superpowers only on occasion.
Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg: 'Compromise' Is Not a Dirty Word Compromise has always been a holy word for the Washington establishment. But against the backdrop of ever-increasing anxiety over our fiscal dysfunction, most particularly the next budget showdown, the word has taken on a tone of anger, desperation and even panic.
Judge Andrew Napolitano Judge Andrew Napolitano: Where Is The Outrage? For the past few weeks, I have been writing in this column about the government's use of drones and challenging their constitutionality on Fox News Channel where I work. I once asked on air what Thomas Jefferson would have done if -- had drones existed at the time -- King George III had sent drones to peer inside the bedroom windows of Monticello.
Michael Reagan Michael Reagan: GOP Has Latino Options No wonder Republicans can't even get 40 percent of Latino votes in a presidential election.
Ken Blackwell Ken Blackwell: The Fate of Syria's Christian Minority Four years ago, Israeli “dove” Avi Primor cooed over the prospects for a comprehensive peace settlement in the Mideast. The “key” to peace, wrote Israel’s former Ambassador to Germany, lies in Damascus. Amb. Primor wrote if Israel would only agree to give up the Golan Heights she had captured in the 1967 Six-Day War, Syria might yet come around to accepting the existence of the Jewish state and break its dependence on the mullahs in Iran.
Cal  Thomas Cal Thomas: Growing Independence From Both Parties In his 2007 book, "The Great Upheaval: America and the Birth of the Modern World, 1788-1800," historian Jay Winik writes that among Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, none "believed in political parties, which they feared would lead to 'rage,' 'dissolution,' and eventual 'ruin' of the republic..."
Debra J. Saunders Debra J. Saunders: So, DiFi Is Taller Than 23 Dwarfs Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California's most popular politician, garnered 49.3 percent -- less than half -- of the vote on election day Tuesday. Winning 1.8 million votes, Feinstein trounced her 23 challengers handily in what wags call California's "jungle primary." There was no big-name challenger, yet more than half of voters went for Anyone But DiFi.
Matt Towery Matt Towery: Elite Media Distorts Wisconsin Exit Polls and Results They are at it again. Following what can only be described as a butt-kicking win for Gov. Scott Walker in Wisconsin's recall election, many media pundits were trying to "split the baby" by acknowledging Walker's win, but pointing to exit polls that show President Obama with a seven-point lead against Mitt Romney in that state.
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: Archaeologists from the 22nd Century Ponder the Death of California It’s hard to see how a state survives, in the long run, with such a burdensome government.
Steve Chapman Steve Chapman: The Myth of Unfair Paychecks As any debater knows, defining the issue is a major part of the battle. On Tuesday, Democrats failed to persuade the Senate to approve the Paycheck Fairness Act. What are we to conclude from that outcome? That paychecks will be unfair, to the detriment of America's working women.
Emmett Tyrrell Emmett Tyrrell: In Praise of Polarization WASHINGTON -- Frankly, I wish the Pew Research Center would occasionally keep its thoughts to itself. Sometimes those thoughts are merely insipid and beneath the attention of serious minds. Sometimes they are alarming and capable of stirring up an already excitable populace. There is talk of cannibalism being practiced by the criminal element. There is Lady Gaga. These are worrisome times. Yet the Pew Research Center has gone and done it again.
Maggie Gallagher Maggie Gallagher: Debating Same-Sex Marriage This week, the full 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals refused to hear any more arguments on gay marriage.
Alan Sears Alan Sears: Marriage is Marriage - Period In this life, a number of relationships are of great significance, such as the relationship between a customer and his banker, a patient and his doctor, or even a congregant and his pastor. These are important relationships—some of which produce near-familial emotions, binding people together at a deep, deep level. And while all of these relationships are important, they are but proximate compared with the ultimate earthly relationship—and that is marriage.
Paul Tracy Paul Tracy: 5 High Yield Stocks with Rising Expectations Last summer, the debt crisis in Europe was in the front of most investors' minds, prompting some wild sell-offs in global stock markets regardless of corporate fundamentals. And, in recent weeks, traders have become increasingly concerned about some softening in U.S. economic data, a bright spot for the world economy since late last year.
Night Watch Night Watch: Egypt Army, Muslim Brotherhood Battle Over Constitution The Army wants to shape the constitution so that it recognizes and respects the Army's control of defense matters, including the budget and its economic holdings, which are extensive.
Chris Poindexter Chris Poindexter: Gold Up Overnight The sudden enthusiasm for gold on Wall Street may signal that we’re at a bottom for gold selling. As I mentioned last month, it’s not unusual to see investors selling gold during times of down markets when they’re fleeing to cash. Once the markets are awash in liquidity, all that money has to go somewhere.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Message From FDR on Public Unions Public unions survive by coercion, threats, bribes, and vote buying. Cities and states are broke as a result. Even FDR agrees.
Edward White Edward White: Photo ID, the Left, And Voter Fraud A recent business trip got me thinking about those on the Left who oppose the movement by States to increase the security of elections by requiring people to produce photo identification (“ID”), generally a driver license or government-issued identification card, although there are other forms of permitted ID, before they can vote.
David Malcolm David Malcolm: Beyond the Beltway: How to Read the News Welcome to the season of spin. As the presidential contest heats up, so does the parade of “news stories” trumpeting a carefully manicured version of President Obama and his record, making the case for a second term in an “objective” way his official campaign never could.
Bob Goldman Bob Goldman: The W-2 and You the biggest fear in revealing your old salary is that your potential employer will be able to calibrate your new salary well below your current poverty level.
Jeff  Carter Jeff Carter: The Futures Are Bright, For Now We have a lot of deadbeats on government transfer payments. In many cases, the economic incentives are arrayed so that it becomes much better to work the system for government transfer payments than actually go out and be productive.
Bill Tatro Bill Tatro: Obama Goes for 3, or Something As Obama looks at a world of falling employment, European crisis, Chinese contraction, and a whole host of other problems, he wakes up every morning and goes to sleep every night without any real two-point slam dunk, the guaranteed easy shot.
Marybeth Hicks Marybeth Hicks: Rallies Call for Standing Up for Religious Freedom When historians one day look back on the rise and fall of the American republic, it won’t only be our habitual deficit spending and lack of financial discipline they blame for our demise, but the deficit of faith and lack of religion in our children’s generation
Ann Coulter Ann Coulter: The Recall Heard Around the World I watched the Wisconsin returns on MSNBC Tuesday night, and it came right down to the wire between "the Democrats were outspent 7-to-1" and "Republicans are stripping union rights!" As we go to press it's still too close to call.
Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: Teacher's Unions Earn "F" for Wisconsin Recall Abuse They really outdid themselves. In Wisconsin and across the nation, public school employee unions spared no kiddie human shields in their battle against GOP Gov. Scott Walker's budget and pension reforms. Students were the first and last casualties of the ruthless Big Labor war against fiscal discipline.
Walter E. Williams Walter E. Williams: Immoral Beyond Redemption Benjamin Franklin, statesman and signer of our Declaration of Independence, said: "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."
The Next Union Showdown: Teachers vs...Rahm Emanuel?   (63)  
Mexican Families to Sue ATF Over Fast and Furious   (71)  
Jeb Bush: Man, I Regret Not Running For POTUS   (69)  
Reps. Shelia Jackson Lee, Mel Watt Turn Hearing Into Circus   (497)  
Whoa: Romney, RNC Outraise Obama, DNC in May   (29)  
Rep. Chambliss Asks Holder to Investigate SWATing, Now   (32)  
Classy: DNC Spokesman Calls GOP "Evil Doers"   (177)  
Al Gore: Walker Caused the “Divisiveness” in Wisconsin   (306)  
90 Seconds to Repeal Obamacare   (47)  
Bill Clinton: To Alleviate Obama's Recession, We Should Extend All of Bush's Tax Cuts   (278)  
White House: Last Night Sent 'Powerful Message' Against Walker   (690)  
Recently-Passed Ray Bradbury: "Reagan Was Our Greatest President"   (64)  
Al-Qaeda: We Have Suicide Bomber Positions Open   (43)  
Sickening: Another Video Shows Sex Selective Abortion in Arizona   (57)  
Hilarious: GOP Video Mocks Liberal Pundits Over Wisconsin   (87)  
Scott Walker Wins Wisconsin Recall Election   (236)  
Liberal Host: National Anthem is an "Abomination"   (528)  
MIchelle Obama Weighs In on NYC Anti-Soda Obesity Proposal
Tea Party Sent Walker to Victory   (80)  
Obama Kicks off West Coast Fundraising Swing
Matthews to Schultz: You Should Leave MSNBC & Become Head Of AFL-CIO   (144)  
Video: Crossroads GPS Slams Obama on “Reckless Spending”   (29)  
CBO: On Current Path, US Economy Could Cease to Exist in 2035   (136)  

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