Tuesday, June 12, 2012


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MAN WRITING ABOUT KINDNESS IN AMERICA SHOT & WOUNDED: And FBI reports big jump in small town murders

It's hard to make up stuff like this. "A West Virginia man who was traveling across the United States gathering material for a book about kindness in America was shot and wounded while eating lunch in Montana, police said on Monday," Reuters reports. "Ray Doland, 32, was hospitalized with a gunshot wound to the arm following the incident near Glasgow, Montana on Saturday, Valley County Sheriff Glen Meier said. Doland was still in hospital on Monday but was expected to recover, Meier said."

The sad and bizarre story comes on the heels of a new FBI crime stats report indicating a big jump in the number of murders in small towns across America.  While overall crime went down slightly last year, murders in towns of under 10,000 people spiked 18.3%.

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BILLY GRAHAM’S DAUGHTER COMMENDS “IMPLOSION”: Book releases nationwide today.

Lynn and I got a very nice note yesterday from our friend Anne Graham Lotz.

"Reinforced with Joel Rosenberg’s brilliant research, delivered with a prophet’s authority, and wrapped in hope, Implosion will keep you riveted page after page. It is a clarion call to wake-up, America, before it’s too late!" -- Anne Graham Lotz, author of Expecting to See Jesus

Thanks so much, Anne. That's very kind. God bless you, your Dad, and your dear family! May the Lord use all of you to keep preaching the Gospel, teaching the Word of God, and calling the Church to return to her first love.

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Last night, I was interview by nationally syndicated radio host Jim Bohannon. "All empires eventually fall. It was true of the Romans, it was true of the Ottomans, it's been true throughout recorded time," Bohannon said as the segment began. "Sooner or later even the mightiest of the mighty crumble, for a variety of reasons. Fast-forward to the present. The United States is not your typical 'empire,' but with the fall of the Soviet Union we became the sole superpower. That status is now under assault. Not militarily, but economically. The vibrant economy that is the underpinning to our strength has weakened to such a point that other countries -- like China -- are starting to believe our supremacy can be challenged. In many ways, this means the United States is at a turning point in its history. Are we on an inexorable decline, or can we turn things around and solidify our position as the top dog? We'll discuss that with a return guest: Joel Rosenberg, author of Implosion: Can America Recover from Its Economic and Spiritual Challenges in Time? He also quoted Winston Churchill who once said, "Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing once they've exhausted all other options." You can listen to the nearly hour-long interview, and questions from callers all over the country, by clicking here (my discussion with Jim begins at 39:42 into the program).

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