Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Who is Obama ? Haven't you heard he is a Black sob bastard from Kenya who falsely obtained by stealing the election and is not a verified citizen and a traitor who also wants to outdo hitler as a dictator. Obama is on a course to destroy America by any means . He has fooled the Democrats and they believe what he does no matter what. Documents prove he is being financed by Geoncrge Soros, and other nations . they want to bring America to it's knees and be under coentration camps .At this moment plans are under way to disarm the country . They are going to take all your guns your deer rifels and shot guns they are taking you hand guns and they are taking all guns from pawn shops .All gun mfgs will be shut down and under guard this dictator has already set up death panels to kill the elderly and the handicaps. Are we going to let this happen to America the Beautiful China and Russia also are behind this take over of America.. Fight for your Freedom ,freedom to live in a constitution of America. And there is more .Wake up America you are being invaded and fixing to be cold cocked into a living hell as you have never know.... Lets go folks Save your Freedom now. they started by Bankrupting America . Black folks you also are included I swear you will be slapped back to sla very with your white neighbors. Save America now.

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