Saturday, January 19, 2013



Where the States Stand on Obamacare Where the States Stand on Obamacare

Democrats Prepare Big Inauguration Weekend FestivitiesDemocrats Prepare Big Inauguration Weekend Festivities

"Open Minded"? Liberals Prefer to Ignore Arguments They Disagree With"Open Minded"? Liberals Prefer to Ignore Arguments They Disagree With

Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly: Just Say Yes If you have kids, you most likely prayed hard that they would avoid drugs and alcohol. Once a child becomes intoxicated, childhood is over. The young person will never be the same again.
John Ransom John Ransom: Al Gore Warming There is a tendency, says Goldberg, by some of the media, government “and certain scientific circles to attribute almost ANY increase in natural disasters to AGW,” which he jokingly calls “Al Gore Warming.” “If it’s bad,” he concludes, “it must be AGW!”
John Hawkins John Hawkins: The 40 Greatest Quotes From Winston Churchill The finest American President of the 20th century was Ronald Reagan, but the greatest world leader during that time was Winston Churchill.
Larry Kudlow Larry Kudlow: Without Deep Spending Cuts, the Republicans Lose the House in 2014 Republicans can persuade the public about bold spending cuts. They can make it their key message and central marketing strategy. If they don’t, they risk losing the House in 2014.
John C. Goodman John C. Goodman: Obama's Health Care Problem President Obama made a remarkable statement to John Boehner in the middle of their negotiations leading up to the fiscal cliff. "We don't have a spending problem," the president said. We have "a health care problem."
David Harsanyi David Harsanyi: On Guns, an Abuse of Power When Barack Obama implored Americans to "do the right thing" on gun restriction during a news conference this week, the "right thing" should have been obvious to everyone. Absolute moral authority -- it's the only way to go.
Kathryn Lopez Kathryn Lopez: Religious Freedom? Yeah, Right! A former British airlines worker was just told by a European human-rights court that she does, in fact, have the right to wear a crucifix on her neck. That such a thing would even have to go to court seems quite the sign of the times.
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: Debt Limit, the GOP, and Picking the Right Fight Libertarians, fiscal conservatives, and other advocates of small government should not make the debt limit a do-or-die battle.
Mary Grabar Mary Grabar: Common Core: Orwellian Lessons in Florida In 2009, during the economic “crisis,” states were offered part of the $4.35 billion in stimulus funds in a hurried contest called Race to the Top. After the initial application, they were told that they would have to adhere to national standards and testing called Common Core, sight unseen, and without any legislative input. Forty-eight states signed on initially; today, 45 states are committed to CC—although citizens and teachers are organizing against it.
Ed Feulner Ed Feulner: Economic Freedom on the Wane How would you say the U.S. compares to other nations? No need to guess. We can pinpoint it exactly by using an annual guide known as the Index of Economic Freedom. Top three, you think? Top five? Nope. Last year at this time came the news that the United States had dropped to 10th place.
Kyle Olson Kyle Olson: Wisconsin Poll: Scott Walker, NRA More Popular Than the Teachers Union A telephone poll recently conducted on behalf of finds Wisconsin residents think more highly of Gov. Scott Walker’s job performance and the National Rifle Association than they do the state’s largest teachers’ union.
Charles Payne Charles Payne: Keeping Faith in Spite of the News Cycle We don't consciously think there are ungrateful, envious or uncharitable people; but by the time that first cup of coffee is polished off, we are reminded there are flawed people in our world.
Fritz Pfister Fritz Pfister: Doctor Snitch Doctors are being charged by His Majesty to turn in any patient who they believe might become violent and wipe out people in a gun free zone. This places the doctor with two years of advanced government snitching classes in a bad position.
Night Watch Night Watch: Pakistan Crisis Reaches New Stage Pakistani cleric Tahrir ul Qadri late Thursday called off a mass protest in Islamabad, pursuant to an agreement with the government. The government agreed to dissolve the National Assembly by 16 March and set new elections within 90 days of the dissolution.
Christopher Merola Christopher Merola: Second Amendment Hyperbole Now that President Obama has released his proposal for gun control in America, those of us who care about our constitutional liberties should reflect on what will happen if his policies become law. Among the proposals Obama is calling for are a ban on certain semi-automatic rifles and the limiting of ammunition to just ten rounds. This latest attempt at gun control is in response to the Newtown, Connecticut shootings, where a mentally disturbed young man, Adam Lanza, shot and killed his mother and more than 20 innocent people at the Sandy Hook Elementary School.
John  Browne John Browne: France and the UK Could Be the Lynchpins of Europe Fearing debasement of the U.S. dollar and the Japanese Yen, the euro has become a de facto second reserve currency.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: The Worst Policy Speech That Never Took Place All ears in the UK were tuned into an event that did not happen. Cameron prepared another wishy-washy speech which was postponed yet again.
Steve Deace Steve Deace: Lies & Clever Myths Leading up to the 2012 election several lies and clever myths were postulated by the ruling class know-it-alls and the charlatans who act on their behalf, and you can bet they will continue peddling their wares this year in light of the results.
Jayson Lusk Jayson Lusk : Will Fat Taxes Kill You? According to New York City’s mayor Bloomberg, the government’s highest duty is to promote healthy eating. His cause has been taken up by a growing number of politicians who want to ensure that all Americans are “normal” weight.
Phil Kerpen Phil Kerpen: No Budget, No Debt Ceiling Hike In 2006, then-Senator Barack Obama inserted a speech into the Congressional Record decrying the increase in the debt ceiling that President Bush was asking for.
Bill Tatro Bill Tatro: My Brother's Gunkeeper The Founding Fathers did not guarantee success or happiness; they guaranteed the ability to pursue it.
Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: Anti-American Asians Don't Speak for Me Martial arts movie legend Jackie Chan deserves a rhetorical roundhouse kick to the mouth. So does his pal PSY, the Korean rapper whose "Gangnam Style" music video has racked up more than a billion views worldwide.
Piers Morgan Freaks Out, "Do You Want a Tank?"   (1082)  
Maine Sen. King: No Strong Reason to Oppose Hagel
CNN Features Defense Secretary Leon Panther
Court Upholds Gov. Walker's Anti-Union Law
Pat Toomey on Gun Debate: "Clearly A Mental Health Issue"
Justin Bieber's Mother Produces Anti-Abortion Film
Former New Orleans Democratic Mayor Nagin Charged With Corruption
Obama Launches Major Alinsky-Like Community Organizing Project From the White House   (720)  
ObamaPhone Lady Changed Her Mind?!?   (80)  
New York Newspaper Takes Down Names of Gun Owners   (42)  
Fast and Furious: Obama's ATF Director Choice a "Slap in the Face"   (310)  
[Video] Gun Control Ad Implies Congressman Responsible for Newtown Massacre
Is Chris Christie Overreacting Over the NRA’s “Reprehensible” Ad?   (447)  
Friday Fun: Thoughts From People Who Attended Obama's Second Inauguration   (56)  
Whole Foods CEO: “I Made a Poor Word Choice” in Describing ObamaCare as Fascism   (94)  
New Poll: 65 Percent See Second Amendment as Protection From Tyranny   (522)  
New York Passed a Gun Control Law So They Could See What Was in It   (434)  
How Liberals Argue: Democrats Voting Against Debt Ceiling Wasn't "Real"   (239)  
NBC/WSJ Poll: NRA More Popular Than Hollywood   (159)  
Shameful: WH Posts Videos of Kids Advocating Gun Control   (946)  
Christie: NRA Ad on Obama Daughters 'Reprehensible'
Whole Foods CEO: Obamacare is Fascism
Cutter: We Will Activate the Campaign Network to Take on the NRA   (315)  
Hmm: Carney Won't Comment on the Size of Obama's Preferred Debt Limit Increase   (128)  
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     Nasdaq 3134.71 -1.30 (-0.04%)
     S&P 500 1485.98 +5.04 (+0.34%)
     NYSE 8792.63 +26.08 (+0.30%)
     10Y Yield 1.89 +0.02 (+0.94%)
Obama Campaign Manager Sends Email Begging for Gun Control Support   (261)  
Homeland Security Releases Binder Detailing Internet Monitoring   (108)  
Marco Rubio: Obama Isn't a Believer in the Second Amendment   (889)  
Good News: More ObamaCare Unintended Consequences   (307)  
Gun Stocks Continue to Soar After Obama's Executive Orders   (334)  
Are Food Stamps Just a Modern Day Soup Kitchen?   (51)  
Arguing with Liberals: Our Massive Deficit "Isn't a Product of Spending"   (701)  

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