Monday, January 21, 2013

Remember the words from the song...

Subject: Where Have All The Flowers Gone?


Remember the words from the song...

For all of you who remember being there...

hippiechicks (1)

"Where have all the flowers gone?
...long time passing.... "

hippiechicks (2)
Have you ever wondered what happened
hippiechicks (3)

To all those really cute and crazy,
Good looking,
Barefoot, young hippie chicks

hippiechicks (4)
who didn't wear bras
Did drugs, smoked weed,
Got tattooed

hippiechicks (5)
and made love with every guy they met
During that great ‘Age of Aquarius’
Back in the 60's?

Well, wonder no more!

hippiechicks (6)
Kind’a gets you tingly all over, doesn't it?

hippiechicks (7)

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