Sunday, January 27, 2013


Romney: “We Lost, But I’m Not Going Away” Romney: “We Lost, But I’m Not Going Away”

“Hindsight is 20-20”: Boehner Regrets His Fiscal Cliff Strategy“Hindsight is 20-20”: Boehner Regrets His Fiscal Cliff Strategy


AP: With High Cost of Care for Smokers, Obese—“Why not just Let These Health Sinners Die?”AP: With High Cost of Care for Smokers, Obese—“Why not just Let These Health Sinners Die?”

Derek Hunter Derek Hunter: Why Republicans Are Poised To Lose The Second Amendment Battle You have to give progressives credit. They’re nothing if not thorough. When an opportunity to limit the Second Amendment presented itself in the Sandy Hook massacre, regardless how tasteless it was to exploit that opportunity, they went full bore toward their goal.
John Ransom John Ransom: Obama Says "Nevermind" on Deficits "I've been hearing from my Republican friends for some time it is a moral imperative to tackle our debt and deficits in a serious way," Mr. Obama said. "What I've said to them is, let's go." Oh, wait. Nevermind
Austin Hill Austin Hill: Equal Opportunity Destroyers: Politicians Of All Types Damage Small Business America It’s not just an out-of-control IRS or EPA. And it’s not merely the punitive demands and restraints of the new federal healthcare law.
Doug Giles Doug Giles: Women Serving in Combat Positions Is a Batty Idea Last Thursday Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and other U.S. military leaders lifted the ban on women serving in combat positions. I, for one, think this is a great idea and have a few modest proposals, if the brass inside the beltway is open to suggestions, on how they should deploy the dames (and whom they should deploy).
Debra J. Saunders Debra J. Saunders: Gov. Brown Does the Sacramento Choo-Choo Gov. Jerry Brown gives great speeches with unusual quotes that never let the listener forget he is a former seminarian.
Shawn Mitchell Shawn Mitchell: The Last Clinton Lie Makes a Difference Such a perfect eruption of concentrated, seductively appealing dishonesty had to have been crafted by the father of high-wire lies, the master distracter himself, the Big Bill.
Paul Jacob Paul Jacob: The Debt Star We're Building Politicians can say 'no' to spending only when the proposal is meant as a joke - and don't count on that being a consistent principle. Politicians have every intention to continue to spend, spend, spend.
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: Expect Civil Disobedience if Politicians Try to Undermine the Second Amendment Ordinary Americans have a lot more common sense than the buffoons in the media. They know that you get less crime when you increase the expected cost of criminal behavior.
Steve Chapman Steve Chapman: The Cloud Over China Pollution is not the only detectable thing in the Chinese air lately. This month, after the government interfered with an editorial in a national newspaper based in Guangzhou, protesters mounted some of the boldest demonstrations since the 1989 Tiananmen Square movement -- while for several days, police stood by and let them.
Michael Brown Michael Brown: The Church is Not a Closet There are many people today who despise conservative religious beliefs, but they are quick to say, “We don’t want to restrict your religious freedoms in any way. Just keep your beliefs in the church.” What they fail to realize is that the church is not a closet, and it is our private beliefs that fuel our public acts. Shouldn’t it be this way?
Political  Calculations Political Calculations: Visualizing the 2012 Distribution of Income in the U.S. by Age Our chart reveals what that distribution looked like for 2012, as indicated by the curves showing the major income percentiles.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: How to Debate Paul Krugman: "Ask Questions Like a Child" A child would see the answer was preposterous, but not a trained economist, politician, or brainwashed academic.
Marita Noon Marita Noon: Renewables Fail the Cost Test, Again The report concludes that wind’s true cost is about 15.1 cents per kilowatt hour for natural-gas fired back-up and 19.2 cents for coal-fired back up—or one-and-a-half to two times the cost of new-construction coal- or gas-fueled electricity.
Mark Baisley Mark Baisley: A Land Rush Business in Utopia The Democrats have been given a two year window to rush every utopian ideal through its army of despotic bureaucrats.
Tad DeHaven Tad DeHaven: Federal Money to the States Isn’t ‘Free’ In addition to not being free, federal subsidization of state spending makes it harder for taxpayers to understand and appreciate where their money is going and how it’s being spent.
Chris Edwards Chris Edwards: Obama Overplays “We” in Inaugural Speech Once certain products or types of infrastructure take off, politicians want to get in on the action by subsidizing and regulating them. In turn, those interventions have usually led to distortions, scandals, and cost inflation.

Thousands to March For Life in Washington Friday   (141)  
Biden’s Post-Earthquake Survival Advice: Use a Shotgun   (86)  
Senate OKs Modest Restrictions on Filibusters
Jindal: GOP Must Stop Being 'Stupid Party'
List of Guns Banned Under Feinstein's Legislation   (332)  
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     S&P 500 1502.96 +8.14 (+0.54%)
     NYSE 8904.52 +47.94 (+0.54%)
     10Y Yield 1.86 +0.01 (+0.51%)
Ted Cruz: Gun Control Doesn't Work   (194)  
Feinstein: Goal is to Dry Up the Supply Of Weapons Over Time   (1155)  
Today Show Criticizes Prince Harry For Discussing Killing of Taliban Fighters   (148)  
"You Let the Consulate Become a Death Trap"   (1838)  
Military Has to Decide Which Combat Jobs for Women
POLITICO: Joe Biden 'Intoxicated' by Possible 2016 Run

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