Saturday, February 2, 2013


Today's Featured Story:

Obama Tweaks Contraception Rule to Silence Faith Groups
Alert: ‘ObamaCare Survival Guide’ Tops Best-Seller Lists as Massive New Law Begins
Scott Brown Bows Out of Mass. Senate Race
Wyoming House Seeks to Block Federal Gun Restrictions
3 Simple Ways to Soothe Your Aching Joints
These 7 Things Activate Alzheimer’s in Your Brain

Gas prices on the rise again

Gas prices have gone up nearly 20 cents in the past month in the Jackson area.

Ladies Against Senator Sleaze-Bob: Where are you?

Conservatives are always told they don’t do enough to reach across the aisle. We’re divisive, obstructionist and hostile to bipartisanship. So in the spirit of unity and comity, I’m announcing the formation of a new social justice group: Ladies Against Senator Sleaze-Bob...

Obamacare: The savings never  start

The biggest mistake the proponents of Obamacare made was to not ask the United Nations to write the legislation so the law would be more accurately titled the “UN-Affordable Care Act”...

2 years and 4 meetings later, Obama shuts down ‘jobs council’

The President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness (aka “jobs council” aka “who?”) hadn’t met in over a year, and yesterday they officially disbanded...

Trump: Buying NY Times 'Very Tough' Deal
Special: If you trust the gov't – Ignore this message
Reich: Consumers Are ‘Bummed Out’
Ross: Shale Gas Production Is the Way to Turn GDP Positive

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