Thursday, March 14, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Thursday, March 14th

Gun Control Makes Headlines
The assault weapons ban is back in the news as the Senate Judiciary Committee advanced legislation to the Senate floor. The bill, championed by Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein, would also ban large-capacity ammunition magazines carrying more than 10 rounds. This is not her first rodeo when it comes to this issue, but she will face intense opposition once the bill comes to the floor, not only from Republicans but also Democrats from conservative-leaning states. While Feinstein's bill seems destined for defeat, considering the Republican-led House, no one is accusing her of wasting time for ideological reasons, like they are with Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz pushing for the repeal of ObamaCare. In fact, Cruz, rankled the nerves of Sen. Feinstein today during a contentious hearing on this legislation. Cruz, a former constitutional law professor, began by reciting portions of the First, Second, and Fourth Amendments, and asked Feinstein whether the power of governm ent to restrict certain types of guns would be equally appropriate given those provisions. "Let me just make a couple of points in response," Feinstein shot back at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. "One, I'm not a sixth grader. Senator, I've been on this committee for 20 years. I was a mayor for nine years. I walked in, I saw people shot. I've looked at bodies that have been shot with these weapons," Feinstein responded. For more on this heated debate on gun control please click here.

Congressman Louie Gohmert
Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX), joined Sean in the show's second hour to discuss the closed door conference that the House Republicans had with the President yesterday. Gohmert explained that nothing the president made available was anything new. It was more of the same "stalemating" that he has become famous for throughout his presidency. Gohmert also discussed his support for Paul Ryan's budget and how important he believes it is to make this the plan for America. He agrees that Ryan is a man of his word and listens to his fellow House members when they offer suggestions about the changes they believe are necessary. Gohmert, who is at CPAC, has been hearing from its attendees how desperate they are for change and a clear direction.
Outrageous Statement of the Day
Throughout the years, we've chronicled the various gaffes by Vice President Joe Biden, which is why I call him Crazy Uncle Joe. You never know what is going to come out of his mouth. But yesterday was the worst gaffe I've heard from him to date. Here's what he had to say yesterday in Maryland, rolling out a new domestic violence initiative: "We've learned that certain behaviors on the part of an abuser portend much more danger than other behaviors. For example, if an abuser has attempted to strangle his victim, if he has threatened to shoot her, if he has sexually assaulted her, and there's a number of other signs, about eight others. These are tell-tale signs to say this isn't your garden-variety slap across the face which is totally unacceptable in and of itself." Sounds like the war on women is back. While I can appreciate the last-minute disclaimer -- Crazy Uncle Joe caught himself - was this really the best comparison to draw? President Obama should s urrender his teleprompter and gift it to his gaffe-prone Vice President. Biden's press office, by the way, has now been forced to apologize for its treatment of a student journalist at this same event after demanding that the student delete photographs taken during the event. For more on Crazy Uncle Joe's latest gaffe, please click here.

Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums:
7 yr old suspended--Pop Tart looked like a gun - ExDem
And the stupidity continues. What kind of morons are teaching our children?? The kid said he was going it eat his Pop Tart into the shape of a mountain but the teacher thought it looked more like a gun. The teacher was visibly angry over the gun-like pastry.

>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 9pm ET):
Why did President Obama call the $9 trillion in debt under President Bush 'unpatriotic' but now claims we aren't facing a debt crisis in 2013? His former economic adviser Austan Goolsbee weighs in.

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