Sunday, March 24, 2013


Dear Political  Reader,
Here's something I recommend you check out immediately.
It comes from our friend Porter Stansberry, who more than a decade ago founded the highly regarded, Stansberry & Associates Investment Research.
In short: He says there's an approaching BIG event in America, which could entirely ruin Barack Obama's Presidency.  
If he's right, this big event could have a dramatic impact not only on Barack Obama, but also you, me, and everyone else in this country.
I encourage you to check it out, below… 
Political Outcast ________________________________________________________________
A scandal that ruins Obama?

One of the most widely-read financial journalists in America has done some interesting work recently…

He says there's an approaching scandal working its way through the Obama administration, which could single-handedly ruin Barrack Obama's Presidency… and perhaps even his entire career.

I strongly encourage you to check this out.

It's a fascinating story, and a real eye-opener--something you are unlikely to hear about anywhere else.

And even if just half of this story is true, it could certainly have a dramatic impact on our entire country over the next few years.

We've posted this fellow's full analysis on our website. You can access it free of charge, here.


George Rayburn
Publisher, S&A Research

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