Sunday, March 10, 2013


Obama Nightmare: House ‘Watergate Committee’ on Benghazi

Dear Member:

Remember Obama’s disgusting grandstand before the United Nations just after the 9/11 Benghazi terror attack?

Obama blamed the slaughter of four fellow Americans not on Al Qaeda, but on American intolerance and a silly YouTube video.

Here’s what Obama said:
‘In every country, there are those who find different religious beliefs threatening; in every culture, those who love freedom for themselves must ask themselves how much they’re willing to tolerate freedom for others.
That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world.’

Truly, Obama seems to despise all things American, except golf.

But we now know this was merely a scam – an Obama distraction set in motion to perpetrate a massive cover-up of the highest order.

In fact, this week America learned there are as many as 30 survivors of the 9/11 Benghazi terror attack.  They are witnesses to what happened that treacherous night in Benghazi.

That’s why Obama and his minions are fighting like the devil to hide the identity of these brave Americans so that their testimonies are never heard, and especially by Congress.

Let’s be blunt, Team Obama wants them ‘shut-up’.

It’s also time for Congress to stop pussyfooting around ‘Benghazi-Gate’.
Congress must urgently investigate, subpoena, and hold congressional hearings to expose what could easily be the most treacherous scandal ever to rock the American Presidency.

This can’t be done on an ad hoc basis.

Congress must appoint a House ‘Watergate Committee’ on Benghazi, with broad investigatory powers.

Revive America USA strongly supports the creation of a House ‘Watergate Committee’ on Benghazi.

Help Support Our Work On Capitol Hill

The first step is passage of House Resolution 36, ‘Establishing a select committee to investigate and report on the attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya’. Click Here to Read the House Resolution

Back in January, Congressman Frank Wolf took the bold step of introducing House Resolution 36.

As of today, only 48 House Republicans have co-sponsored the resolution.

Frankly, this is pathetic.

The fact is Benghazi is no ‘third-rate burglary’.  No one died at Watergate.

Revive America USA considers a vote on House Resolution 36 the very highest of priorities.

Please help Revive America to urgently push House Resolution 36 forward to a vote.

With your generous donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or any amount, Revive America will crank-up the heat on Congress.

As the President of Revive America, I am continuously in touch with Members of Congress every week here on Capitol Hill.

This is a battle we can win.  And it’s a huge first step toward exposing the truth about ‘Benghazi-gate’.

Yours for America,

Bob Adams
Founder & President

P.S. – It’s time for House Republicans to stop pussyfooting around ‘Benghazi-gate’.  We urgently need a House ‘Watergate Committee’ on Benghazi, with broad investigatory powers.

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