Sunday, March 3, 2013



CPAC Continues to Receive Criticism for Lack of Inclusion CPAC Continues to Receive Criticism for Lack of Inclusion


Piers Morgan Hits New Low in Key DemographicPiers Morgan Hits New Low in Key Demographic

Romney: Heart Told Him He'd Win, Until He Saw FloridaRomney: Heart Told Him He'd Win, Until He Saw Florida

Derek Hunter Derek Hunter: Welcome to the Armageddon Welcome to Thunder Dome.
John Ransom John Ransom: Obama White House: Vulgar and Abusive Come on, Mr. President: Either you did or didn’t approve what people did on your behalf. As one reporter asked White House Press Jester Jay Carney: “Another longtime, respected Washington journalist... talked about his own story about how he’s received many what he called 'vulgar and abusive' emails and phone calls from White House officials. I mean, have you ever heard of anything like that?” We’re waiting. Mr. Obama.
Austin Hill Austin Hill: Diminished Trust and Woodward’s Woes It’s difficult to imagine that he was surprised by the outcome.
Doug Giles Doug Giles: Christian Parents Should Have Their Kids Play with Toy Guns According to CBS, St. Louis, Pastor Rodney Francis, of the Washington Tabernacle Baptist Church, wants to keep kiddos away from guns, so this summer his church is planning a “toy gun buy back” program.
Debra J. Saunders Debra J. Saunders: Woodward-Sperling Flap May Turn Tide There is a rule in Politics 2013 that's evident in the flap about a White House aide's maybe threatening or not threatening Washington Post veteran reporter Bob Woodward. The rule: The more superficial the brouhaha the bigger its impact.
Paul Jacob Paul Jacob: A Gun Out of a Mountain Out of a Molehill Our public schools may be afflicted with politically correct propagandists. Luckily, most kids will learn, chiefly, to question authority.
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: Joe Biden’s Self-Defense Advice Biden has reached new levels on unintentional humor with his recent advice on home defense, all of which appears to be illegal according to fellow Bulldog Mary Katherine Ham.
Steve Chapman Steve Chapman: Freedom to Gamble America is a much freer place than it was a few decades ago, and one way you can tell is that changes once considered unthinkable now occur almost unnoticed. A case in point came when New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie signed a bill to legalize online gambling.
Bob Beauprez Bob Beauprez: A Pessimistic Nation – and Six Principles to Help Get Over It Even from colonial days, every generation somehow managed to hand off an even greater life filled with opportunity to their children. By the time our upstart nation was barely fifty years old, Alexis de Tocqueville gushed with praise about America's unique advancement of "human greatness and freedom."
Rich Tucker Rich Tucker: Stretching Stamps It would be difficult to expand the food stamp program (officially the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP) much further.
Political  Calculations Political Calculations: The Deadweight Loss of Minimum Wage Hikes A deadweight loss is said to occur whenever economic activity that might otherwise have occurred is prevented from occurring because of policies that interfere with the natural functioning of a market economy.
Kevin McCullough Kevin McCullough: Feminists: Leave My Boys Alone This past week an episode of Sesame Street set off a firestorm of debate over whether a boy muppet named Telly should be ashamed that his muppet friends caught him playing with dolls.
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: China "Fully Prepared for Currency War" Says China's Central Bank Deputy Governor Given the world's central bankers are already in a currency war, a policy statement made by a deputy-governor of China's central bank should not come as a surprise.
Tad DeHaven Tad DeHaven: Sequestration: Governors Are a Special Interest Too Every federal dollar that a state politician can spend is a dollar that he or she doesn’t have to ask his or her voters to part with.
Remembering Breitbart   (63)  
Run For Your Lives: The Sequester Takes Effect   (403)  
Ayotte Proposal Fails to Reach Senate Floor   (181)  
After Obama Meeting Boehner Declares: No New Taxes
Incomes Drop Most in 20 Years   (60)  
Gov. Cuomo to Hollywood: We’ll Provide an Exemption From Our Strict New Gun Laws Just For You   (251)  
Join Conservatives on FB!
     Nasdaq 3169.74 +9.55 (+0.30%)
     S&P 500 1518.20 +3.52 (+0.23%)
     NYSE 8874.19 +5.48 (+0.06%)
     10Y Yield 1.89 +0.01 (+0.32%)
GOP Trying to Put an End to Obama's Welfare Waivers   (696)  
The Press' Professional Abdication   (21)  
The Legacy of Andrew Breitbart: A Warrior and a Friend   (62)  
Student Loan Debt has Tripled in Last 8 Years   (110)  
CNN Presents The NEW & IMPROVED Obama: "Cautious & Cold In His 1st Term, Humble & Chill In His 2nd"   (231)  
[Video] Waters: Every Job In America Will Be Lost Because of Sequestration

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