Sunday, April 14, 2013


Top Five Stories
You May Have Missed

  1. Trust in Gold, Not BernankeDistrust of the Federal Reserve and concern that U.S. dollars may become worthless are fueling a push in more than a dozen states to recognize gold and silver coins as legal tender . . . Click Here.
  2. Lacker: Government Should Be Ready to Let Big Banks FailFederal Reserve Bank of Richmond President Jeffrey Lacker said plans to limit the size or change the structure of the largest financial institutions must be made with the intent of allowing them to fail without government aid . . . Click Here.

    Editor’s Note: Dallas Pastor Takes on Obama Policies for Massive Profit Opportunities

  3. Obama to Pitch Buffett Tax, Killing Corporate Tax BreaksPresident Barack Obama will issue a greatest hits list of ideas to raise $580 billion in new tax revenues over a decade, including a minimum tax on the wealthy and putting an end to some corporate tax breaks, administration officials said . . . Click Here.
  4. Pentagon Looks to Cut 40,000 to 50,000 Civilians Over Five YearsThe Pentagon is looking to reduce the size of its nearly 800,000 civilian workforce by 40,000 to 50,000 employees over the next five years, mainly through attrition as it closes bases and consolidates healthcare facilities, the department's comptroller said on Wednesday . . . Click Here.
  5. Hussman: Stock Market Rally ‘Will End Badly’Stock valuations are distorted largely because of wanton Federal Reserve policy, leaving corporate profit margins more than 70 percent above their historical norm, but there is zero chance the phenomenon can continue indefinitely, according to fund manager John Hussman . . . Click Here.

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