Thursday, April 25, 2013

Are you kidding me?!?

Are you kidding me?!?

Late last night, Politico broke a story reporting that the leadership of both parties have been secretly meeting for months to discuss a solution to the high cost of ObamaCare in Congressional offices.
They are just now realizing that ObamaCare is going to cost the Members of Congress and their aides thousands of dollars in new health care costs!
Their solution? Make Congressional staff exempt from ObamaCare!
Small business owners and hard working Americans are already feeling the effects of ObamaCare.  Healthcare prices are skyrocketing.  Yet, the liberals in DC have refused to listen to the American people.
But now that ObamaCare is hitting Capitol Hill, they want to make their staff exempt from ObamaCare!!!
Folks, I couldn’t make this stuff up!  
The career politicians in DC need to suffer the consequences of ObamaCare just like you and I have been suffering. 
Our army of grassroots activists will put the heat on the leadership of both parties.  We won’t let them get away with this.
But I need your help to fund the next phase of the #DCInterventionprogram.  Starting next week, we will begin putting non-stop pressure on Congress to repeal ObamaCare once and forever!
Your donation will also be used to send #DCIntervention toolkits to Tea Party leaders across the country.
If these gangsters can't be subject to the train wreck that is Obamacare (especially after the American people have spent four years fighting against it), then they need to repeal this atrocious law or prepare to be retired!
Stand with Tea Party Patriots today!

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