Thursday, April 11, 2013


Federation for American Immigration Reform
Illegal Aliens Protest Enforcement While Demanding Citizenship
Dear Grady,
Today illegal aliens swarmed the Capitol demanding Congress halt all deportations and grant all 11 million illegal aliens citizenship now. They were welcomed into Senator Marco Rubio's office – an office where American citizens who oppose amnesty have been shut out for weeks. The Senator isn't listening, so we need your help today to defeat this amnesty push.
But their protest didn't stop there. A crowd of bold illegal aliens took their protest to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Headquarters. Were they arrested? Were they put in deportation proceedings? No.
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Our immigration enforcement policies are an embarrassment -- illegal aliens can protest ICE Headquarters without fear of having our immigration laws enforced against them.
The Senate Gang of Eight's plan calls for legalization (amnesty) first, enforcement later. Once we grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, can we really trust the same administration that has weakened ICE to this point to seriously strengthen enforcement? The head of the ICE Union has said that amnesty first, enforcement later will result in another 10-20 million illegal aliens entering our country in the next decade.
Congress promised stronger enforcement when they granted amnesty to millions of illegal aliens in 1986. But we never got enforcement. That's why 30 years later, illegal aliens can protest ICE Headquarters without fear of being sent back home.
"Amnesty first, enforcement later" didn't work in 1986 when America first passed an amnesty. Let's not repeat our same mistakes twice. FAIR needs your help to remind Congress that amnesty is not the solution. Your donation today will help us promote stronger, smarter enforcement as the answer to our immigration problems.

Dan Stein, President
FAIR is a non-partisan, non-discriminatory non-profit organization dedicated to securing our borders, ending illegal immigration and promoting immigration levels consistent with the national interest. FAIR relies solely on the tax-deductible contributions of citizens and philanthropic foundations.

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