Friday, April 5, 2013


Federation for American Immigration Reform
Napolitano Scraps Border Security as Pre-Condition for Amnesty Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano last Tuesday reaffirmed the Obama administration's opposition to securing the border before granting amnesty to the roughly 12 million illegal aliens in the United States.
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Michelle Malkin: AP Wrong to Ban the Term "Illegal Immigrant" File this in the overflowing cabinet labeled, 'No Wonder the Mainstream Media Is Dying.' On Tuesday, the Associated Press announced that it is banishing the phrase 'illegal immigrant' from its famous stylebook.
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House Gang of Eight Amnesty Bill Nears Completion According to House 'Gang of Eight' Member Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY), the group is 'very close' to releasing its comprehensive immigration reform bill.
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Bush Says U.S. Needs More Immigration Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, author of a new book on immigration, says that America’s 'incredibly complex' immigration laws should be reformed 'from stem to stern.'
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Garbage In, Garbage Out: GOP Operatives Design Immigration Survey to Support Amnesty Resurgent Republic, a Republican strategy group led by former party chairman Ed Gillespie and pollster Whit Ayres, is urging the GOP to get behind amnesty...
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