Tuesday, April 30, 2013


To: Friends & Supporters

From: Gary L. Bauer

Mother/Son Discussed Jihad

It was reported over the weekend that Russian intelligence secretly recorded phone conservations in 2011 between Zubeidat Tsarnaeva and her oldest son, Tamerlan, the dead Boston Marathon bomber. The topic: Sending Tamerlan to wage jihad in Palestine. He didn't go because he didn't speak Arabic.

This is a crucial revelation. Many U.S. elites are still trying to delude themselves into believing the brothers' motivation was political rather than religious. They are trying figure out the importance of their Chechen background. They are scratching their heads wondering why Chechen hatred for Russia led them to blow up Americans in Boston. But it may not have had anything to do with Chechnya.

The most important thing to know is that they are Islamic jihadists. When Zubeidat and Tamerlan were discussing jihad, they weren't discussing the best target for a Chechen political protestor, but rather the best targets for a Muslim jihadist! That's why she suggested her son wage jihad in Palestine instead of Chechnya or Dagestan.

The left often accuses conservatives of wanting to go back to the 1950s. But it's the left that is stuck in the 1950s, confused about why a Chechen would be angry at America. The explanation is not political or economic, but religious. In radical Islam's war against Western Civilization, Israel is the "little Satan" and America is the "great Satan."

Benghazi Hearings To Resume

The Obama Administration would like nothing more than for the Benghazi investigation to go away. But congressional Republicans are not dropping the issue. In fact they may be turning up the heat.

This weekend Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) told Fox News, "There are more Benghazi hearings coming; I think they're going to be explosive." Gowdy did not elaborate beyond that, but he offered one possible hint when he said, "direct testimony by eyewitnesses is always the most compelling."

Indeed. CBS reported nearly two weeks ago that "multiple new whistleblowers" were talking to congressional investigators. Members of Congress have been demanding access to survivors of the Benghazi attacks, some of whom were reportedly treated at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Perhaps we will soon be hearing from individuals who can corroborate reports that military support was repeatedly requested and denied on the night of the attack.

Do you remember former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's feigned outrage during her Benghazi testimony? "What difference, at this point, does it make?" she shouted at one questioning senator. No one has a greater interest in seeing Benghazi forgotten than Hillary -- the Democrats' 2016 front runner. No doubt Democrats and their media allies will adopt Hillary's rhetorical question as their mantra in the days ahead.

But the country, the victims and their families deserve a thorough explanation of what happened that night. The men and women serving our country in foreign outposts deserve to know that everything possible is being done to reasonably ensure that it doesn't happen again.

Obama: "God Bless Planned Parenthood"

Friday I wrote about the extraordinary act of Barack Obama becoming the first sitting president to address the leading destroyer of unborn children at its national convention. It was shocking that Obama would do so while Kermit Gosnell stands trial. But I want to go back to Obama's speech as it highlights two important aspects of this debate.

Kermit Gosnell is an African American. He built his clinic in the middle of a mostly African American community. His targets were mostly unborn minority babies. He treated black women like they were cattle. His staff members have testified that women were often put on tables covered with sheets still soiled with blood from previous abortions.

When the occasional white woman came to his abortion mill, his mostly black staff noticed how Gosnell treated them differently. When they complained, he laughed it off, saying, "That's the way of the world." Gosnell is a black man who hates babies and practiced racism in his own mill.

Standing there before Planned Parenthood, Obama had the perfect opportunity to denounce Gosnell. Yet, like so much of the left-wing media, Obama did not mention him. To this day the president, the first man of color in the White House who is able to emote about injustice at the drop of a hat, has not denounced what Gosnell did.

Why not? Sadly, one can only conclude that it is because he is so committed to the carnage of innocent unborn children that he will tolerate virtually anything to make sure he does not in any way undermine that "right."

But at the end of his speech, Obama did something truly astonishing. He said, "Thank you, Planned Parenthood. God bless you. God bless America.  Thank you."

Barack Obama called on the God of the universe, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who hung stars in sky, to bless Planned Parenthood. Obama called on the God who knows us so well that He knows the number of hairs on our heads to bless Planned Parenthood. Obama called the God who said "I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life," to bless Planned Parenthood.

In an administration full of shameful moments, that may have been the most shameful of all.

Obama's Priorities

Roughly 12 million Americans are unemployed and millions more are underemployed. Nearly five million Americans have been unemployed for more than six months. Their families are not taking vacations or enjoying time on the golf course.

But in the middle of their suffering, President Obama has more time to play golf and go on vacation than to meet with his advisors to get the economy moving again. Just how much time may surprise you.

The Government Accountability Institute determined that Obama spent 976 hours playing golf or on vacation, compared to 474 hours in "economic meetings of any kind." If there were a conservative president in the White House with that kind of record, this report would lead tonight's evening news broadcasts.

And what are Democrats on Capitol Hill doing? They are busy raising taxes, pushing so-called "comprehensive immigration reform" and trying to limit your Second Amendment rights.

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