Monday, April 29, 2013


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So, Barack thinks he’s a funny guy

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Center For Individual Freedom

First Came The Reports That Harry Reid, John Boehner And Top Leaders Of Both Political Parties Were Meeting Behind Closed Doors And Working On A Plan To EXEMPT Themselves From Key Provisions Of ObamaCare.

       THEN... almost immediately, we started hearing the denials. Within hours, Boehner's office started pointing fingers at Reid. Hours later, Reid's office scrambled and audaciously denied that Congress would ever consider such a thing.

       Give us a break. And yes, if you're angry, you should be angry, but don't just get angry.

       Now that it's clear that every single politician in Washington knows that ObamaCare is a "train wreck" waiting to happen... now that the man behind the curtain is exposed, we must not let these politicians off the hook.

       We must seize this opportunity and demand that they defund it and repeal it... once and for all.

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Republican Leaders of the United States Senate and the United States Senate. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representative.

Demand They Renew Their Efforts To Repeal ObamaCare Now.

Send My Blast Faxes

Health Care Costs In Some States Will Rise Over 80% Under ObamaCare With Health Care Costs Shooting Up A Whopping 32% Across The Board. -The Society of Actuaries

       But you didn't need the Society of Actuaries to tell you that ObamaCare is a disaster.

       You already KNOW that ObamaCare is a disaster. You KNOW that it's already driving YOUR out-of-pocket expenses through the roof and diminishing the availability of YOUR health care.

       AND... you already KNOW that things are just going to GET WORSE for YOU once ObamaCare is fully implemented.

       Even the powerful Democratic Senator Max Baucus knows what's coming. At a recent Senate hearing, he told Obama's HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius: "I just see a huge train wreck coming..."

       And now that everyone (including all the Democrats who shoved it down your throat) knows it's a "train wreck" waiting to happen... there is only one option... DEMAND THAT CONGRESS... ONCE AND FOR ALL... DEFUND AND REPEAL OBAMACARE.

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Republican Leaders of the United States Senate and the United States Senate. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representative.

Demand They Renew Their Efforts To Repeal ObamaCare Now.

Send My Blast Faxes

A Train Wreck Is Coming But Barack Obama Simply Yawns.

       And how did the Obama Administration react to the news from the Society of Actuaries? As an Investor's Business Daily headline put it: "White House Yawns As ObamaCare Premium Spikes Loom."

       Not only did they yawn… but as everyone else's insurance premiums are set to skyrocket, now we learn that the White House is in on the effort to exempt Congress and the Executive Branch from Obama’s socialized health care scheme.

       Let's be frank: The result of ObamaCare's full implementation will mean higher costs and inferior care for everyone.

       Your friends and your family are at risk because politicians pontificate and tell us about the evils of ObamaCare but refuse to do the right thing and actually defund and repeal ObamaCare.

       And to be totally frank, there are far too many in Congress who would rather "fix" ObamaCare or "tinker" with ObamaCare instead of repealing it. Worse, the very same people that rammed ObamaCare down your throat now want to exempt themselves while the rest of the country suffers.

       Well, not if we have anything to do about it… As you've proven so often in the past, you can transform pontifications from politicians into action.

       We still can jettison ObamaCare... but we're going to have to deluge Congress with faxes to force it to happen.

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Republican Leaders of the United States Senate and the United States Senate. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representative.

Demand They Renew Their Efforts To Repeal ObamaCare Now.

Send My Blast Faxes

The Real Problem With ObamaCare...

       The real problem with ObamaCare is not just that the cost of your health care will continue to skyrocket... far beyond the initial estimates by the Society of Actuaries.

check  The real problem is that you'll pay MORE for LESS health care because the notion that ObamaCare will bring quality and affordable health care to all was always a lie. check  The real problem is that the health care plan you like and now enjoy at work will go bye-bye as more and more employers opt to simply pay a fine and dump you into the public pool. check  The real problem is that government pencil pushers could now decide what health care you receive. Seniors across America are already seeing prescriptions they need rise in cost beyond affordability.
      The sad truth is that ObamaCare was never meant to be anything other than a tool the federal government could use to control one more aspect of your life.

       And YOU NOW HAVE A CHOICE. You can shrug your shoulders... say "what's the use" and allow the self-appointed lords and masters in Washington to control your life or you can fight.

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Republican Leaders of the United States Senate and the United States Senate. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representative.

Demand They Renew Their Efforts To Repeal ObamaCare Now.

Send My Blast Faxes

And Where Are The People Who Claim to Want to Save Us From ObamaCare?

       Answer: They are not only trying to exempt themselves from ObamaCare… They're fully funding ObamaCare’s implementation.

       Last month, a number of brave House Members tried to convince Speaker John Boehner to make the defunding of ObamaCare part of the Continuing Resolution to fund the government… but Boehner and our so-called Republican House Leaders would have nothing to do with such a commonsense request.

       When it was the Senate's turn, Republican leaders offered an amendment to the Continuing Resolution to defund ObamaCare... an amendment they KNEW would fail... and once the amendment failed… they THEN voted to fund ObamaCare and more out-of-control government spending.

       The bottom line is that our Republican leaders simultaneously curse and then fund ObamaCare.

       They talk tough in front of the cameras and when they go on Fox News... they hold token votes… but when push comes to shove, they keep funding ObamaCare with Continuing Resolution after Continuing Resolution.

       And left to their own devices, they will continue do just enough to make you think that they are fighting for you so that you'll send them back to Washington to fool you some more.

       It is time we demand real action: the immediate and complete defunding of ObamaCare. The time has come to say that we, as Americans, won’t stand for it anymore.

       ObamaCare must be wiped clean from the slate, eradicated from the laws of this great nation… Period.

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every one of the Republican Leaders of the United States Senate and the United States Senate. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representative.

Demand They Renew Their Efforts To Repeal ObamaCare Now.

Send My Blast Faxes

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