Friday, April 12, 2013


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Screen Shot 2013-04-08 at 8.33.07 AM
Photo credit: John W. Pope Civitas Institute
Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for April 12th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

Object lesson: 'Temporary' amnesty never dies

Does America lack “compassion” and “humanity” for uninvited foreigners?

Man who stole Obama’s teleprompter brought to justice

In October of 2011, a truck containing President Obama’s speech accoutrements — a presidential seal, podium, audio equipment, and, most importantly, his teleprompter — was stolen from a Virginia parking lot...

Website of noted cable news network normally concerned about well-being of children ignores story about trial of child murderer

A Tweet by @sleannbagley led me to submit my own search and make a new screen shot just so the words were a little more readable...

More From the Right Side of the Web

Featured Video

Screen Shot 2013-04-12 at 8.38.31 AMYesterday, Michelle and Megyn Kelly talked about unrepentant terrorist defender Lynne Stewart and Progress Kentucky's involvement in secret recordings of Sen. Mitch McConnell

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