Monday, April 29, 2013


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Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for April 29th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

CNN legal analyst: Gosnell media blackout a ‘business decision’ and not evidence of bias

Talk to a lot of mainstream reporters and they’ll often lament how the corporate “bottom line” too often dictates what they are and aren’t able to report...

Naturally: California awards billion-dollar high speed rail contract to firm partly owned by Dianne Feinstein’s husband

Remember the good old days when Dianne Feinstein would insist her husband remove his name from consideration for government contracts in the state she represents because she didn’t want there to be any appearance of impropriety?

Tom Brokaw on skipping White House Correspondents Dinner: Event has become cheap and undignified ever since Lindsay Lohan stole all our attention last year

Let’s see — a night where many politicians who are running the country into the ground yuck it up with a bunch of their enablers in the press, and the biggest problem with it is that the fully loaded star of Herbie Fully Loaded showed up last year?

More From the Right Side of the Web

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