Monday, April 22, 2013


Urgent: New GOP Target List on Benghazi

Time to Challenge Boehner?

Dear Member:

Only “Watergate-Style” congressional hearings, just like the one the Democrats had for Nixon, can expose the truth about Obama, Clinton, and the 9/11 Benghazi terror attack.

And this week is critical.  We need to continue making phone calls to Congress and lots of them.  Here on Capitol Hill, I’ll be personally meeting with Members of Congress and their staff.

Your calls are so helpful for one, because they soften the ground for my meetings here on Capitol Hill.  It helps me to explain to a Congressman why his office is now so besieged with phone calls from outraged voters back home.

If you have already called Congress, please call them again, because your calls are working.

Just below is a link to a freshly updated ‘GOP Target List’ of Congressmen who have not cosponsored Resolution 36, the Select Benghazi Committee.

Go Here for the Updated Call List

Likely Tuesday, Speaker Boehner will release his “Progress Report” on Benghazi --- hastily prepared over the weekend to quell what The Hill newspaper calls a “GOP Rebellion” on Benghazi.

Speaker Boehner’s goal is to appease fed-up Republicans in Congress, who’ve simply had enough of House Leadership’s lethargic, unfocused, subpoena-less, and politically correct Benghazi terror investigation.

He’s trying to snap these House Republicans back in line.

Boehner wants to avoid Benghazi, or any confrontation with Obama, like it’s a ‘Government Shutdown’.

Many in Congress are afraid of losing their 17-seat House Majority to Pelosi, and for good reason.  We’re concerned too.

But it’s always ‘the cringing dog that gets kicked’.

What’s more, America won’t vote for a Republican House Majority who refuses to take-on Obama.

Will Boehner’s Benghazi “Progress Report” work?  Not if we keep burning-up the phone lines.

The fact is your support of Revive America’s campaign has brought enormous political pressure to bear on Congress.

Because of your support, Revive America has racked-up 57 cosponsors for a total of 119 in just two weeks!

Help Us Continue the Fight

And frankly, cosponsoring Resolution 36 on Benghazi is one of the easiest decisions a Congressman could ever make.

The only reason why a House Republican would not cosponsor Resolution 36 is because they’re bound to House Leadership for campaign funds, committee assignments, or misplaced loyalty.

But what about the four Americans, including two Navy Seals, who Obama abandoned to be killed by radical Islamic terrorists in Benghazi?

What about their families?  Isn’t there a higher calling?

Who gave the order to ‘STAND DOWN’ that was heard repeatedly during the attacks?

Please keep hitting the phones!

Go Here Now to Support Our Ongoing Campaign 

Finally, Revive America is strongly considering a national talk radio advertising campaign to challenge House Speaker Boehner on Benghazi.

I know there’ll be a ‘price’ to be paid in Washington, but Revive America doesn’t answer to Speaker Boehner.  We answer to you.

Clearly, this needs to be done.

Is this a campaign you would be willing to support?  Revive cannot go into a battle like this half-hearted and half-cocked.

Please let me know, as this critical decision must be made soon.

Thanks for all you are doing.  It’s making a big difference.

Remember Benghazi!

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