Thursday, April 25, 2013


FOX News’ Greta: ‘Drop a Subpoena on Someone
Dear Member:
Who ordered the military to deny help to four fellow Americans --- abandoned to slaughter at the hands of wicked, bloodthirsty terrorists?
Who gave the order?
This is the central question of ‘Benghazi-gate’.
Speaker Boehner’s 7-month ‘Progress Report’ on Benghazi failed to answer this question, and many others.
Now Speaker Boehner wants the same five committees who’ve failed for 7-months to stay the course.

Again, not one of Speaker Boehner’s five committees answered this question to any level of satisfaction. 

In fact, the ‘Progress Report’ in one slim paragraph even denied the accusation! 
‘No U.S. government element refused or denied requests for emergency assistance during the crisis’ (7-Month ‘Progress Report’ on Benghazi).
Congress needs a House Select Committee to focus like a laser beam on Benghazi, not another 7-months.
Yesterday, I told you how Darrell Issa, the House Oversight Committee Chair, hasn’t held a single hearing on the 9/11 Benghazi terror attack in over 6-months.
This is simply outrageous.
Worse yet, Chairman Issa has the Power of Subpoena, which he has not used it once! 
Meanwhile, Obama continues to hide as many as 30 eyewitnesses to the 9/11 Benghazi terror attack.
Frankly, this is nothing less than obstruction of justice, but Darrell Issa is letting Obama get away with it!
Don’t take my word for it, here’s what FOX News’ Greta Van Sustern said to Chairman Issa in an amazing exchange on national television:
VAN SUSTEREN: All right, well, let's talk about Benghazi. You picked that one up. That's one that your party is very upset in the House about. But you have the authority to issue a subpoena and order people to come and answer questions. It just doesn't get done! If you want -- if you want to hear from somebody, you want to hear from someone who was there on the ground when it happened, the best way to do it is just drop a subpoena on somebody! And if you don't know their names, drop it on someone at the State Department, demanding the names! Drop it to get the employment records! I mean, you can get that information. You have the power to subpoena. You're the majority!
ISSA: Greta, we use the power of subpoena. We have received several thousand documents. We've had to go over them manually on paper. My people have gone through page by page. We've gleaned many of the people we want to talk to. We are contacting whistleblowers. Whistleblowers are contacting us.
Okay, so where are the subpoenas?
Regardless, the fact is Speaker Boehner’s five committees have all failed to get the job done
It’s time for a House Select Committee on Benghazi.
Clearly, we’re winning this battle, but now we need to close the deal.
Before you joined me in this fight, Resolution 36 was dead.  But your phone calls and financial support of Revive America’s aggressive campaign on Capitol Hill made all of the difference.
More than a majority of the entire House Republican Caucus – 128 -- now support a Select Committee on Benghazi!
Shockingly, Republican House Leaders do not support a House Select Committee on Benghazi.  They oppose it!
Tell Them to Get Behind Resolution 36, the Select Committee.
I’ve provided you with their contact information below:
House Speaker John Boehner:
DC:            202.225.6205
District:      513.779.5400
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor
DC:            202.225.2815
District:      540.825.8960 
         House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy
         DC:            661.327.3611
         District:      202.225.2915
         Chairman Darrell Issa
DC:            202.225.3906
District:      760.599.5000
Remember, Benghazi is an issue of urgent national importance, so don’t let Republican Leaders blow you off.  They need to hear from you just like any constituent!
And let’s not forget, if your Congressman has not cosponsored Resolution 36, the Select Committee, you need to call them now.
Tell them to get onboard!
Over the next 48 hours, Republican House Leaders will pullout-the-stops in a desperate ploy to snap rank-and-file Members back into line.
We need to fight back.
Thank you for your continuous and generous support.


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