Monday, April 15, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Monday, April 15th

As Sean took the air at shortly after 3pm eastern time, news broke of two bombs exploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, according to the Boston Police Department. Authorities were guarding a person of interest at a local hospital, according to a New York Post report confirmed by Fox News. The person, who sources said was 20 years old, had severe burns, but authorities had not determined whether the person was a victim or a perpetrator. Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis said during a press conference that no suspect is in custody. The simultaneous explosions just before 3 p.m. and reports of two other unexploded devices found near the scene raised suspicions of a terrorist attack. Intelligence officials said that two unexploded devices were being dismantled. Sean tweeted out a photo taken from the finish line when the bomb went off [ View]. For the latest developments on the explosions in Boston, please click here.

It's Tax Day
Today is the much reviled Tax Day, as millions of Americans rush to file their income tax returns before the deadline. As Tax Day arrived, a new Gallup poll was released which found that fewer Americans now view their income taxes as "fair." Just 55% of Americans believe that they pay a fair amount in income taxes, which is the lowest level since 2001. Perhaps this could have something to do with the fact that we have a president who has constantly lectured the nation on our need to pay our "fair share." Class warfare is a permanent part of Obama's rhetoric, but not surprisingly isn't matched by the facts. The fact is that almost half of Americans - that magical 47% - pay zero in income taxes. As recently as last week, Barack Obama lectured the nation on people who take advantage of loopholes and deductions as people who "game the system." Yet last week we found out that the President himself "gamed the system" by taking advantage of many of the same dedu ctions Romney used! Obama's effective tax rate was 18% for 2012. That's still higher than the effective tax rate of the vast majority of Americans, but it's hypocritical considering Obama's condemnation of Romney's rate.
Gun Control Debate Moves Forward
Last week, conservatives were outraged by an MSNBC promo featuring Melissa Harris-Perry, where she derided the "private idea that kids belong to their parents." Instead, she promoted a collective ownership of children where children should belong to whole communities. In case you missed the outrage last week, you can read by post on it right here. To her credit, Harris-Perry hasn't backed down from her critics. But in her attempts to explain her disturbing concept of collective ownership, she only seems to be making matters worse. Over the weekend, on her show on the so-called news network MSNBC, Harris-Perry tried to frame the debate as follows...

Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums:
What is a secure border? - Ceasar
I am a bit confused here. Politicians talk about how they want to secure the border first, but nobody seems to want to define what a secure border really means. Does it mean no illegals cross the border for x time period? Does it mean there are no reported incidents of immigrants overstaying their visas? Does it mean that all new border technology is up and running?

>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 9pm ET):
We'll be live with complete Fox Team coverage of the explosions at the Boston Marathon.

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