Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Tuesday, April 23rd 

Internet Sales Tax is Far From Fair!
Washington is after your money again! It seems some in Congress are looking to enact an internet sales tax, even though President Obama said he’d never do it. I guess Congress is after your pocket again! Obama clearly said that he wouldn’t raise taxes on anyone but the 1%? This proposal would, however, tax everyone who shops online! Washington is trying to rummage through your pocket and take any change they can out of it and they call it the Marketplace Fairness Act! If you really want fairness, why not eliminate all sales taxes? Oh, that’s right, that would be lowering taxes! For more on the Internet Sales Tax and President Obama’s support for it, visit The Hill.com.   

Defending America
I spent some time on my radio program today with Francisco Hernandez, AJ Delgado and Manuel Roig-Franzia to discussing immigration reform and where Washington is? We all agreed that the United States has an immigration policy that is clearly not working but how we solve the problem is not clear. Hernandez brought up a great point when he brought up the big problem that most illegal immigrants actually entered the country legally but have since overstayed their visas. Delgado added that counterfeit proof of residency has added to the problem. She added, one of the 9-11 terrorists was in this country on an agricultural visa. We’ve discussed this a lot but the real pressing need is for this country to completely secure the border. I’ve seen, first hand, the tunnels and all-terrain vehicles. If we don’t secure the border we’ll see a few big problems down the road. Fox News ran a great article today on the different vulnerabilities of our border and it’s a real reminder of what we can do NOW to help secure our country. 
Advocating Torture
On a recent episode of “Hannity” I sat down with New York State Senator Greg Ball who made headlines with his comments that the Boston marathon bomber should be heavily interrogated. Ball made the great point of saying, “If we can save innocent American lives with enhanced interrogation tactics, then we should but this is all political because many politicians are worried if they say the wrong thing they won’t get re-elected.” I’m angry about this whole situation. We shouldn’t need to mirandize those who perpetrate acts of terrorism especially when signs point to there being more to the story! Political correctness at its worst. I have made a promise to you, the audience, that I’ll continue to search for the truth and put pressure on Washington to do all they can to find out who’s behind the Boston bombings. You can visit Hannity.com for more on this and to watch my interview with Senator Ball.

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums:
CNN IN Talks with Newt for Crossfire Show - Posted by PSBandit
Interesting. I used to enjoy the old Crossfire shows with Novak.I think Newt would own any debate with [any libs name here]. Also I think part of the Hannity & Colmes allure was the shows Crossfire like format, which I miss.

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