Wednesday, May 1, 2013



From: Gary L. Bauer
Subsidizing Jihad

Adding insult to injury, the Boston Herald reports that the family of terrorist brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev received at least $100,000 in taxpayer-funded welfare benefits in recent years. The assistance included "cash and food stamps to Section 8 housing." Governor Deval Patrick (D) attempted to prevent this information from coming out, citing "privacy concerns" of the accused jihadists.

Back in Washington, Senator Jeff Sessions is sounding the alarm on the comprehensive immigration proposal now pending in the Senate. According Sen. Sessions, a review by his staff "identified a number of loopholes that would allow illegal immigrants to draw public benefits even sooner than advertised."

Let Them Speak!

Fox News reports that the State Department and the CIA have threatened "at least four career officials" who want to testify as "whistle-blowers" in the Benghazi investigations.

Victoria Toensing, a former Justice Department official who is representing one of these "whistle-blowers," told Fox that the individuals have been subjected to "some very despicable threats …making them well aware that their careers will be over" if they talk to Congress.

Meanwhile the stonewalling continues at the State Department. In response to congressional demands for more information, a State Department spokesman said, "We think that we've done an independent investigation… and that we've shared those findings with the U.S. Congress. And that should be enough." In other words, "Take our word for it and stop complaining."

At today's White House press conference, Ed Henry of Fox News asked President Obama about the whistle-blowers and whether he would allow them to testify. Obama dismissed his question, saying, "I am not familiar with this notion that anyone has been blocked from testifying. I'll look into it." Don't hold your breath, Ed.

According to a new Rasmussen poll, 78% of likely voters think it is "at least somewhat important" to learn the truth about the Benghazi attacks. But only 32% of likely voters think the Obama Administration has done a good job of explaining those events. The administration could do itself a huge favor here by trying a little harder. Instead, it is doing everything possible to prevent the public from learning more.

This is a perfect example of how the media's left-wing bias protects the administration. If a Republican president were in office and dragging his feet this way, the media would be accusing him of stonewalling and the witnesses would be hailed as heroes.

Instead the media are largely silent. And if the witnesses ever come forward, they will likely be treated like traitors, not whistle-blowers.

Gosnell Is Not Alone

The fate of abortionist Kermit Gosnell is now in the hands of jurors. Many Americans are still completely unaware of his trial and the gruesome atrocities he committed in the name of "reproductive choice." They don't know because Big Media conspired to cover it up. Consider this analysis from our friends at the Media Research Center:

"Forty two days ago, on March 18, 2013, abortionist Kermit Gosnell went on trial…Yet, in the seven weeks that followed, ABC News has permitted no coverage, discussion or mention of the case, not even a single utterance of Dr. Gosnell's name.

"But that's not due to lack of interest in shocking criminal cases. Over the same 42 days, the Media Research Center found that ABC's 'Good Morning America' has aired 41 stories -- about one per day -- on other sensational criminal cases … totaling 109 minutes of coverage."

The sad reality is that while Gosnell's crimes may be an extreme case he is by no means alone in his contempt for life. The pro-life group Live Action released two new undercover videos this week from abortion mills in the Bronx and Washington, D.C., revealing that both facilities might allow a baby born during a botched abortion to die.

At the Bronx "clinic," a staffer discussing a late-term abortion said she would essentially drown the baby in a jar of solution to stop it from "twitching." When an investigator asked what she should do if the two-day-long procedure caused her to go into labor at home and delivered a live baby, the staffer says, "Flush it!"

The D.C. abortionist was more artful with his choice of words. When asked what he would do if a baby were born alive, he said:
"Technically -- you know, legally we would be obligated to help it, you know, to survive. … It's all in how vigorously you do things to help a fetus survive at this point. Let's say you went into labor… and you delivered before we got to the termination part of the procedure here, you know? Then we would do things -- we would -- we would not help it."
The practice of "after-birth abortions" is likely more widespread than most of us realized.

One of the left's biggest lies is that it stands for compassion. Where does after-birth abortion fit into anyone's idea of compassion? While most Americans rightly recoil in horror, too few realize that this is a legacy of Roe v. Wade.

Some conservatives complain that our movement is perceived as "uncaring." Yet they are the very same people who suggest we stop talking about issues like the sanctity of life.

Conservatives Seek To Limit Government Ammo Purchases

There has been a lot of chatter lately about why in the world the Obama Administration has been purchasing huge amounts of ammunition. Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) and Rep. Frank Lucas (R-OK) think they know why, and they aren't happy about it.

They believe the Obama Administration is buying vast amounts of ammunition in an attempt to limit the Second Amendment rights of U.S. citizens. What good is a gun you are constitutionally entitled to if you can't buy bullets for it?

Sen. Inhofe and Rep. Lucas are introducing legislation to limit the government's ability to buy ammunition. According to The Hill, their legislation "would prohibit every government agency -- except the military -- from buying more ammunition each month, than the monthly average it purchased from 2001 to 2009."

In addition, the Government Accountability Office is launching its own investigation into the government's stockpiling of ammunition.

Gun owners and hunters may cheer the efforts of Sen. Inhofe and Rep. Lucas but, with Harry Reid in control of the Senate and Barack Obama holding his veto pen, it is hard to see how their legislation becomes law. But the attention the issue is drawing, the pressure of this legislation and the GAO investigation may hasten the time when the administration's obfuscation about its purchases comes to an end.

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