Saturday, May 25, 2013


To: Friends & Supporters

From: Gary L. Bauer

I will share some reflections on Memorial Day in a few hours, but as we head into this holiday weekend there are some important news items I want to comment on. Here are some brief thoughts on the headlines.

Obama Declares War On Terror Over

Yesterday President Obama tried to change the subject away from all the scandals engulfing his administration by giving a major address on foreign policy. He effectively declared an end to the "global war on terror." Well, we weren't the ones who declared war, and one side doesn't get to unilaterally decide it is over unless they are surrendering.

Obama also announced that he plans to dramatically scale back drone attacks. Ironically, this administration has launched more drone attacks than any previous administration, and it is one of Obama's more popular policies. But Obama announced that future drone strikes would be limited to situations where "there must be near-certainty that no civilians will be killed or injured," meaning there will be far fewer drone strikes against suspected terrorists in the future.

Lastly, the president announced another all-out effort to close Gitmo and bring the terrorist thugs to a prison near you.

Holder Ordered Fox Seizures

NBC News reported last night that Attorney General Eric Holder personally signed the orders to seize personal and work phones and email records of Fox News reporter James Rosen. What is so shocking in this case is that Holder cited the Espionage Act and considered Rosen a criminal co-conspirator and a flight risk!

In response to the growing media outrage, President Obama has ordered the Justice Department to review its guidelines on investigating journalists. In other words, Holder will be reviewing his own work.

Lerner On Leave

Lois Lerner, the director of IRS tax-exempt office at the center of the Tea Party targeting scandal, has been placed on administrative leave with pay after refusing to testify before Congress. Acting IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel reportedly asked for her resignation, but she refused. So, her "punishment" is that she is not allowed to go to work, and your punishment is that you must still continue to pay her!

Boy Scouts Cave

Despite strong opposition from parents and leaders, 1,400 delegates at the Boy Scouts of America's annual meeting voted to reverse the BSA's current membership policy and permit homosexual scouts as members, while continuing to ban homosexual scout masters. With this decision the BSA has demoralized its strongest supporters and guaranteed that it will have fewer defenders in the future.

Meanwhile the left is not satisfied with this so-called "compromise." Homosexual rights groups are demanding a role in enforcing the new policy, and they are also vowing to keep pressuring the Scouts until they lift the ban on gay leaders.

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