Wednesday, May 29, 2013


To: Friends & Supporters

From: Gary L. Bauer

Perjury In Holder's Future?

Attorney General Eric Holder may be in hot water. The House Judiciary Committee is investigating whether Holder committed perjury during his testimony on the Associated Press phone records scandal two weeks ago.

During an exchange with Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) on whether the Justice Department could use the 1917 Espionage Act to prosecute reporters, Holder said:

"In regard to potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material -- this is not something I've ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be wise policy."
But as we told you Friday, that is not true. NBC News reported that Holder personally signed off on the warrant authorizing the seizure of Fox News reporter James Rosen's email and phone records -- specifically citing the Espionage Act and labeling Rosen a possible criminal co-conspirator.

Attorney General Holder has already been held in contempt of Congress for refusing to release documents on Operation Fast and Furious. He has stayed in his position because the president supports him. But now even the liberals at the Huffington Post are demanding Holder step down.

Amnesty Bill In Jeopardy?

For months we have been told that the "stars are aligned" for comprehensive immigration reform to finally pass Congress and be signed into law. But last week the quasi-amnesty bill that is such a priority for President Obama and his Democrat allies took a couple of unexpected hits.

  • Two unions that represent law enforcement and immigration officials announced their opposition to the Senate's bill, citing its lack of border and interior enforcement. A recent Fox News poll found that 73% of voters want improved border security measures implemented BEFORE any other reforms take effect.

  • Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) stunned many in Washington when he said the bill doesn't yet have the 60 votes needed to pass. Political and media elites have been chattering about the bill getting as many as 70 votes in the Senate.

  • Thursday the House GOP leadership issued a joint statement effectively declaring the Senate's bill "dead on arrival." Its statement read in part, "While we applaud the progress made by our Senate colleagues, there are numerous ways in which the House will approach the issue differently. The House remains committed to fixing our broken immigration system, but we will not simply take up and accept the bill that is emerging in the Senate if it passes." 

Obamacare Backlash Grows

The implementation of Obamacare kicks into high gear on January 1, 2014. As the calendar counts down, even some of the president's liberal allies are finding it impossible to square Obama's rhetoric with reality. One labor union, the United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers, has already called for the "repeal or complete reform" of Obamacare. Now other unions are speaking out.

Joe Hansen, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, essentially accused Obama of lying. Hansen told the Associated Press, "[Obamacare] makes an untruth out of what the president said -- that if you like your insurance, you could keep it. That is not going to be true for millions of workers now."

Union bosses assumed that their concerns would be addressed after the 2012 election. In January, a top Teamsters leader said, "We are going back to the administration to say that this is not acceptable." But despite private talks with administration officials, the unions have failed in their attempts to change the law.

As a result, they are warning that Democrats could suffer in next year's election. Harold Schaitberger, president of the International Association of Firefighters, warned, "It started out with some anxiety, and I think it's translated into more anger." 

I have no expectation that Mr. Schaitberger will become a card-carrying member of the Tea Party movement anytime soon. But Democrats should be worried. Union members who are just now learning the truth are not the only ones upset with Obamacare.

Obamacare Deeply Unpopular

Barack Obama and congressional Democrats rammed through Obamacare in 2010 after convincing themselves that the public would embrace the healthcare takeover legislation over time. But three years later, two recent polls indicate that Obamacare still remains deeply unpopular.

A CNN poll released yesterday found 54% of adults opposed Obamacare, while just 43% supported it. Last week a Fox News poll found that 56% of voters thought it would be better "to go back to the health care system that was in place in 2009." Just 34% felt we should keep Obamacare.

There was no good news for liberals. Looking ahead, only 26% voters expect Obamacare will make health care better, while 53% say health care will be worse off in the future if Obamacare remains in effect. Even voters 35 and under wanted to get rid of Obamacare by a 20-point margin of 55%-to-35%.

MVP Player On Defense Over Marriage

The Minnesota Viking's Adrian Peterson is the NFL's Most Valuable Player for his offensive stats, but he's playing defense today for daring to defend normal marriage. During a recent interview, Peterson was asked his thoughts about Vikings punter Chris Kluwe, an outspoken advocate for same-sex marriage. Here's what Peterson said:

"I have relatives who are gay. I'm not biased towards them. I still treat them the same. I love 'em. But again, I'm not with that. That's not something I believe in."
Clearly, Peterson is not a hater. He was simply voicing the opinion of many Americans, including the president of the United States, at least up to one year ago. No doubt Peterson has seen what has happened to athletes who voice opposition to the gay agenda. Yet he still has the courage to speak up.

As I write this, he is probably living through a nightmare worse than anything he has confronted on the football field. By the time the sun goes down today, Peterson will likely feel like he doesn't have a friend in the world. (Remember Chris Culliver?)

The gay rights smear machine will do its best to make an example out of Peterson. Marketing gurus and investment counselors will tell Peterson he must apologize if he hopes to hold on to any lucrative endorsement contracts. The Vikings management may force him to go through "sensitivity training."

Men and women of faith who believe in normal marriage should not be afraid to speak out! Please let Adrian Peterson know that you stand with him. Click here to leave a comment on his Facebook page.

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