Friday, May 17, 2013


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Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for May 17th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

Obama’s emptiest Benghazi talking point; Plus: Where is Gitmo recidivist and alleged Benghazi jihad plotter Abu Sufian bin Qumu?

On Sept. 12, 2012, President Barack Obama vowed to “bring to justice” the perpetrators of the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya...

Eric Holder makes it clear that he doesn’t know

At Wednesday’s congressional hearing, Attorney General Eric Holder said “I don’t know” at least 20 times, thereby breaking a record I set on a quiz day back in high school algebra class...

Report: IRS employees ‘simply did what their bosses ordered’

Former acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller had originally said that a couple of lower level employees went “rogue” and “off the reservation” by targeting conservative organizations for extra scrutiny...

More From the Right Side of the Web

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Now that the lapdog media is finally paying some attention to the culture of corruption, will they continue to hold the Obama administration's feet to the fire?

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