Wednesday, May 29, 2013


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Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for May 29th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

Obamacare 'navigators': Another Sebelius snitch brigade?

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius controls a $54 million slush fund to hire thousands of “navigators,” “in-person assisters” and counselors who will propagandize and enroll Obamacare recipients in government-run health insurance exchanges...

House Oversight Committee subpoenas Benghazi documents; Judiciary Committee to investigate whether Holder lied under oath

Stand by for historic levels of transparency stonewalling...

Obama again tries to get his game on, loses to … Chris Christie

Has the country’s “most athletic president ever” learned the hard way not to try and get his game on while cameras are rolling?

More From the Right Side of the Web

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Feigned ignorance is bliss.

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