Thursday, May 30, 2013


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Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for May 30th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

Stump the Congressman: ‘Rep. Markey, in your 36 year career, has there ever been a single time when you’ve opposed a tax increase?’

Today’s contestant on “Stump the Congressman” is Massachusetts Democrat Rep. Ed Markey, who is running in the special election to fill the Senate seat John Kerry vacated when he became secretary of state...

Biden in Trinidad: Illegal immigrants in U.S. ‘required to constantly live in fear’

In a way, I guess, Biden kind of discouraged people from coming to the United States illegally...

Confirmed: Polk County, FL schools conducted iris scans on students without permission

Florida parents are right to be outraged at the outrageous privacy violations that took place late last week in at least 3 Polk County, Florida schools...

More From the Right Side of the Web

Featured Video

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Last night on "Hannity," Michelle took Juan Williams to the woodshed over lying liar Eric Holder.

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