Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Wednesday, May 1st 

How Does This Happen?
There’s a big issue of debate today surrounding all this anger against terrorism. Boston is very fresh in our minds and the scenes of blood, the rescue workers, and the dead police officer and such. Now, can you imagine if the Boston bombers, twenty years from now, became a distinguished professor at Harvard University? That’s exactly what happened with a convicted cop killer, Kathy Boudin, became a professor at Columbia University. How does this happen? Boudin was released in 2003, serving hardly any time in prison, and the media coverage that opposed her has been very quiet. How does Columbia University find it okay to hire a domestic terrorist who has been convicted of murder? How does this happen? For more on this article, check out the coverage from the NY Post

Morning-After Pill Debate Yesterday it was announced that the FDA will begin offering the morning-after pill, Plan B, to children as young as 15 years old. Current restrictions on the drug will end next Monday, lowering the age of eligibility to purchase and making the drug available over-the-counter. First of all, should 15 year old girls even be having sex? At what age do we draw a line, if at all? It's amazing to me that liberals are so eager to limit public access to certain items – Big Gulps, salt – yet work so diligently to make other items more readily available, in this case birth control. For more on this, check out my coverage on
Obama Care Implementation “Fine”
Yesterday during his press conference, the “Anointed One” gave us a long-winded response on the issue of Obama Care. When faced with the fact that one of the chief Democrat architects of Obama Care, Senator Max Baucus, has labeled its implementation as a “train-wreck,” Obama did what he usually does: Filibuster, blame, lecture, and rationalize without actually answering the question. In the end, there is no doubt that this law and its implementation have been and will continue to be a disaster. Some believe that Obama Care will eventually collapse under its own weight, and some even believe this to be by design in order to put in place a single-payer system, which is what some liberals have wanted all along. I'm not saying I believe that motivation to be the case, but we do need to think about what can be put in place if and when this law collapses. Needless to say, Obama Care will be a huge albatross around the necks of Democrats goi ng into the 2014 election, no matter how much they try and pull away from it or pin the blame for its failure on others. Scariest thing? 42% of Americans don’t even realize Obama Care is the law of the land?! 

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums:
Paul Ryan Flips and Now Supports Gay Adoption - Posted by RightoftheLeft
Read this first. Paul Ryan  has changed his stance on gay adoption, and would vote to allow it (contrary to his 1999 vote), but still opposes gay marriage? How the Hell does that make sense? Anyhow, kudos to Ryan to entering the 21st Century. And to you that still oppose gay rights, well, the writing's on the wall.
>>TV Tonight (9pm ET on Fox News)
The plot thickens in the aftermath of Boston's attack with three more suspects now in custody. Sen. Lindsey Graham weighs in.

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