Friday, May 10, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Friday, May 10th

Benghazi Talking Points
Piggybacking off of the original Benghazi talking points reported by the Weekly Standard's Stephen Hayes, ABC News' Jonathan Karl has now obtained more versions of the revisions. The latest reporting shows that the talking points related to Benghazi underwent 12 revisions. Not only that, but after repeatedly claiming that the talking points were crafted by the CIA and the intelligence community, White House emails obtained by ABC News shows that the State Department did, in fact, play a key role in the changes...{ more}

ObamaCare Sales Pitch
It is clear that this administration is engaging in a concerted effort to "sell" ObamaCare to the American people. What's amazing is that these people are delusional enough to believe that the problem with ObamaCare is the messaging and not the law itself. The fact remains that ObamaCare remains wildly unpopular. While Nancy Pelosi once said that we have to pass the bill so we can find out what's in it, the fact is that the more we find out about it, the less we like it!...{ more}
Outrageous: NRA Members to Gitmo?
The IRS issued a startling apology today, admitting the fact that it actively targeted conservative political groups in 2012 for additional review. When groups would apply for tax-exempt status, words like "tea party" or "patriot" would automatically be flagged for more intense scrutiny. The head of the unit who oversees tax-exempt groups, Lois Lerner, says the practice began by "low-level workers in Cincinnati," according to the AP. Apparently no high-level IRS officials were involved or knew it was happening. Here's a headline from a Fox News report from February 2012: Numerous Tea Party chapters claim IRS attempts to sabotage nonprofit status. But in March 2012, IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman told a House subcommittee that there was "absolutely no targeting." Meanwhile, if you will recall, conservative groups that were complaining about such practices were cast aside as being paranoid or even conspiracy theorists. Now we know the truth: Conservatives were, in fact, being targeted by the government. Unbelievable.

Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums:
ABC: Bengazi Talking Points Underwent 12 Revisions - Bertha
And it appears, the State Department had it's own agenda -- to cover it's own ass, because of their incompetence....

>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 9pm ET):
The IRS is apologizing for targeting conservative groups during the election. Will anyone be reprimanded? Plus we take a look into Ariel Castro's mind. Were there signs of his future demise? And is college for everyone? Bill Bennett weighs in.

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