Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Wednesday, May 15th 

A Crisis of Credibility
Second-term agenda? What second-term agenda? At this point, Barack Obama has far more pressing issues at stake: The credibility of this administration, and quite frankly the integrity of our government as a whole. As blatantly outrageous as the IRS targeting conservatives may be, it's infuriating to know that the person investigating such egregious violations (Eric Holder) is equally as corrupt and himself involved in a current scandal – the secret seizure of AP phone records. Add that to the list of other scandals we've seen involving Obama's Department of Justice, including Fast and Furious which led to the death of American Boarder Patrol agent Brian Terry. In other words, how can we trust that we will even get to the actual truth of the matter on any of these issues? Holder has zero credibility, so why should he be trusted with this investigation? The scary answer is that we no longer feel we can. That is a crisis. For more on this, check out  

Who's Going To Jail?
Congressman Boehner fights back This morning, House Speaker John Boehner made headlines. On the issue of the IRS, Boehner says, "My question isn't about who's going to resign, my question is, who is going to jail?” That's a very bold statement, with which I would agree. The IG released its report to the public late last night. You can read it here. The fact is that the more we learn of the intrusive nature of these questions, the more outrageous the story becomes.
Outrageous Statement of the Day: Julian Bond
It's very rare that a scandal emerges in Washington that unites people from all sides of the political spectrum. The IRS targeting of conservative groups is this rare exception. For the most part, people from all political beliefs inherently recognize the danger of using the IRS or any political enforcement agency to target specifics groups for their beliefs. However, there are always exceptions. NAACP Chairman Emeritus Julian Bond told MSNBC yesterday that this targeting was “entirely legitimate.” He called Tea Party members “a group of people who are admittedly racist, who are overtly political, who’ve tried as best as they can to harm President Obama in every way they can.” He even went as far as to call them the “Taliban wing of American politics,” whom everybody should be worried about.

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums
Natural Rights - Posted by Samson Corwell
In order to distract people—I mean take people's minds off these scandals, I wish to start a little discussion about natural rights. Do you have a firm belief in them or a flexible belief in them? Are you a utilitarian or a consequentialist when it comes to law(s)? Do you feel that there are things that people should be allowed to do no matter what (this comes closest to natural rights, I believe)? Are your politics rooted in pragmatism? Where do you fall on these issues if you are a libertarian? Voice your opinion here!

>>TV Tonight (9pm ET on Fox News)
Sen. Lindsey Graham weighs in as the Benghazi cover-up saga continues to thicken. 

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