Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Tuesday, May 7th 

Demonization of Ted Cruz
I've been saying that I believe there to be four young rock stars in the conservative movement. Those people are Marco Rubio (FL), Rand Paul (KY), Mike Lee (UT) and Ted Cruz (TX). I believe that they represent the future of the Republican Party, if they continue on their current principled paths. But this won't be easy. It's about time we sent people to Washington to challenge the process rather than submit to its encumbered ways. I personally think we need more Ted Cruz’s in Washington, and perhaps 2014 will prove a great way to add more conservative rock stars to my list.  For more on our future, click check out Hannity.com  here

Not a Flashback: Obama Jobs Tour
After his big policy initiatives have failed and his poll numbers are dropping, Obama has decided to return to … the economy! This week he will be traveling to Texas “to kick off a new focus on the middle class and economic growth,” according to the Washington Post. Kick off? A new focus? Didn't he claim to be focused on the middle class throughout his entire campaign? Didn't his administration “pivot” to jobs countless times in previous years? The fact of the matter is that Barack Obama doesn't have a clue how to grow our economy. If he did, then we wouldn't be where we are today. The message of this tour is clear: Obama will blame the current economic climate on Congress. What they won't tell you, and what most low-information Americans likely don't even realize is that Democrats still control the Senate! I don't expect much to happen for our economy with Obama's “new focus” on the middle class.
Three Kidnapped Girls Found Alive
If you haven't been following this story, its truly unbelievable. It takes place in Cleveland, Ohio. Three young girls were kidnapped separately by a sick man about a decade ago. The women are Amanda Berry (now 27) who was kidnapped in 2003 just before her 17th birthday; Gina DeJesus (now 23) who was kidnapped in 2004; and Michelle Knight (now 32) who was kidnapped in 2002 at the age of 20. It was the heroic efforts of Amanda Berry and a neighbor Charles Ramsey which ultimately led to the women's rescue. Luckily Charles Ramsey heard Berry, kicked in the bottom of the locked door and freed Berry. The women were all taken to the hospital to be evaluated and reunited with family and friends.What an unbelievable story. We are all thankful that they are alive and can be reunited with their friends and family, though I can't even imagine the trauma they have endured over the last decade. I'm sure those chilling details will be released in due time. For the lates t developments on this story, click here.  

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums
Where's My Daughter's Gun - Posted by Ryooper
I'll make this short and I'll make this sweet.  Reading today's news and hearing Sean talk about the women who were found kidnapped in Ohio makes me sick.  It also makes me think that our Founding Fathers had one clear image in mind when they made it a fundamental right to keep arms.  Gun violence is tragic but stories like this are as well and I think we need to have a balanced conversation before we try to jump too far to one side or the other... and I think I need to buy my daughter a gun.

>>TV Tonight (9pm ET on Fox News)
After ten years Amanda Berry is found alive in Cleveland. What did authorities miss?

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