Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Wednesday, May 8th

Explosive Testimony from Benghazi Whistleblowers
I believe that today was a defining day for the Obama administration and particularly for Hillary Clinton. After waiting nearly eight months to get more information on exactly what happened surrounding the terrorist attack in Benghazi, three brave whistleblowers from the State Department finally told their stories to a Congressional committee. It was clear and embarrassing based on the questions from Democrat members of the committee that they were more interested in protecting Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton and the administration rather than seeking information and the truth. We owe the truth to the memories of the four brave Americans who are now dead, we owe the truth to their families, we owe it to current and future public servants to know that they are safe and will be protected, and we owe a level of credibility to the American people. For more on this story including details on the testimony, visit

Christians in the Muslim World
The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom has released its 2013 report. According to its own press release, “The Report highlights the status of religious freedom globally and identifies those governments that are the most egregious violators.” Among those that were already on the list of “countries of particular concern,” eight were recommended to be re-designated as such: Burma, China, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Uzbekistan. There were also seven other countries recommended to be put on that list: Egypt, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Vietnam. You will notice a trend among these nations and that is that many of them are in the Middle East. The report singles out Iran among the most particularly egregious violators of religious freedom. I find it heartbreaking that so many Christians around the world are subjected to such atrocities, leaving them no other option than to flee their homes for the sake of their survival. 
In Search of the Truth
I had Terry Jeffrey on the show today to talk about the Benghazi hearings and what he told my audience today was incredible. “We knew this was a cover-up,” Jeffrey told us, “But we didn’t know how senior this was!” We’re not even sure who owned the plane that brought the our dead officials home from Benghazi but Jeffrey told us that our own government couldn’t get a plane back from Benghazi. “What we need is a very clear description of what happened,” an angry Jeffrey continued, “You can take British Airways from Heathrow to Tripoli in three hours so it’s just not believable that our government couldn’t help.” I will make one commitment to you, my audience, and that is to dig at the truth of what happened until it’s uncovered. To read some of Jeffrey’s earlier coverage on this, click here.  

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums:
Benghazi - A Great Editorial From a Great Newspaper - Posted by Ddye
I subscribe to the Richmond Times Dispatch. It has a definite Republican bent when it comes to its editorials. Not a tea party bent, not an extremist bent, but a solid, traditional Republican bent. I like it because it will not hesitate to call out anyone from either party, or either party in general. It is relatively anti-Obama and favors fiscal conservatism (although not the tea party's Armageddon fiscal policy). I would describe it as Republican without the crazy. Read it here.  

>>TV Tonight (9pm ET on Fox News)
Sean has the latest on the Benghazi hearings.

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