Thursday, May 9, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Thursday, May 9th

Benghazi Hearing Fallout
Yesterday was a pretty unbelievable day. The hearing on Benghazi in the House Oversight and Reform committee was compelling and credible. If you didn't get the chance to see it, Greg Hicks' recount of what happened on the night of the attack was riveting, at times spellbinding. Here's the bottom line: We know we were lied to. We know that the administration tried to make it difficult for us to find out what really happened. We know that four Americans died when it's possible they didn't have to. We know that the talking points were right, and then they were wrong. While we don't know exactly why that's the case, we have a pretty good gut feeling as to why the talking points were changed: It was in the heat of an election. Liberals may scream that this is politicizing the issue, but the fact is that the administration politicized the issue when it tried to make Benghazi a non-issue for political purposes. Sometimes politicizing isn't just about what you say, but it's about what your ignore and in this case I believe th e administration ignored the truth. For more on the Benghazi hearings, visit  

Congressman Boehner: Finding the Truth
Today Speaker John Boehner demanded that the administration release emails that are known to lawmakers but have not yet been released to the public related to the now-infamous talking points. According to Fox News, “One of the emails apparently showed a top State Department official saying a group affiliated with Islamic terrorists was responsible for the strike. Separate emails, though, allegedly depict the White House and State Department pressing lower-level officials to remove references to terrorism in talking points about the attacks.” It is clear that Democrats are united in their efforts to protect the administration, including Hillary Clinton, even in light of the truth. If you listened to the questions (more like statements) yesterday from the Democrats, it was obvious that their agenda was to defend not to seek truth. I don't understand how “the truth” has somehow become political, but it has. Other Democrats such as Debbie Wasserman Schultz did her part in advancing the narrative that this is a “witch-hunt” designed to discredit Hillary Clinton and dampen her chances for a 2016 run for the White House. The media has clearly aided in proliferating this talking point.
Where's The Main Stream Media?
As explosive as the hearing was yesterday, the media reaction has ranged from laughable to absurd. To their credit, the Washington Post, the New York Times and others did cover the hearings, but is it sad that this seems unexpected? Unfortunately the same cannot be said of the TV networks. Newsbusters did an analysis of coverage yesterday. Fox News was the first one to start airing the hearing live at 11:36am and aired the most unobstructed coverage. CNN finally started airing some of the coverage at Noon and MSNBC jumped in there a while later, but featured little of the live testimony, mostly a discussion among liberal guests. The three networks, CBS, NBC and ABC, did not break into regular coverage to air the hearing, according to Newsbusters. I find it sad that journalists exposing the truth such as Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News are supposedly singled out by her bosses for “wading dangerously close to advocacy.” Has this what we've come to? Pursuit of the truth, if it isn't the politically convenient truth, is suddenly labeled advocacy? That's amazing and if it's true, a sad statement on the state of the news media in this country today.

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums:
One Think I Haven't Heard Mentioned About Benghazi - DanHolgorsen
As we know, Syria is an ally of who? Oh, yes, that would be Iran. In addition, the Iranians hate which terrorist group? Among others, Al-Qaeda. It seems to me that the Obama Administration was probably trying to cover up selling/giving arms to the rebels in Syria with the Benghazi situation. Of course, this is by no means definite, but it is my educated guess that this is what was being done. What does this mean? Were we running guns to Syria to try to depose the Iranian-aligned regime in Syria? I think that very well may be what was being done. We could have even been in cahoots with Israel on it as it might lead to the downfall of Hezbollah and Hamas (though I have no clue).

>>TV Tonight (9pm ET on Fox News)
Will Hillary throw Obama under the bus to save her presidential chances? Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani weighs in.

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