Monday, June 3, 2013


R.I.P, Boy Scouts of America It’s a sad day for both Scouting and for freedom. Indeed, it’s a sad day for America. The century-old Boy Scouts of America (BSA) – created in 1910 to “prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes” – has betrayed its own constituency, mission, oath and law.
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Maryland County Passes ‘Second Amendment Preservation Resolution’ On the evening of May 22, 2013, the Board of Commissioners of Carroll County presented, debated and adopted a resolution known as the “Second Amendment Preservation Resolution”. This resolution, among other things, declared Carroll County as a “Second Amendment Sanctuary County”.
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Islamists Tell the Truth When They Think Western Eyes Aren’t Watching MEMRI, which stands for the “Middle East Media Research Institute,” monitors Arab, Iranian, and Turkish media, schoolbooks, and sermons. MEMRI then translates them into English so we can know exactly what is being said in those cultures—unfettered by our gutless politicians and leftists media so punch-drunk on political correctness they feel the need to cover for those who wish us harm.
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Agenda 21 and Thomas Jefferson Agenda 21 is a United Nations resolution and treaty that remains unratified by the United States Senate, and therefore is not a treaty we are required by the law of the land to conform to. The members of the liberal left ideology will claim, if they are familiar with it, that Agenda 21 is a mandate, or should be. The sinister realities of the program has been oozing out, however, so the name is currently being changed to “Future Earth” because the truth getting out has given the term “Agenda 21″ a negative connotation.
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Leave Syria to Syrians, Mr. McCain On Memorial Day, Senator John McCain met with Gen. Salim Idris, chief of the Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army, and over a dozen al Qaeda rebel commanders.
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North American Federation: Secretary Napolitano, Canadian officials meet The U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and several officials from Canada, including Denis Lebel, Transport, Infrastructure and Communities minister and Minister of Public Safety Vic Toews, on Thursday released what they termed the “first-ever joint United States-Canada Border Infrastructure Investment Plan (BIIP).”
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Tell Congress: Audit the IRS and Charge Members for their Crimes! Sign the Petition and Send Messages to Lawmakers!
Tell Congress to Secure the Border first!
Blast Faxes to Lawmakers!
Tell Congress: No Biometric Database, No National ID! Sign the Petition and Send Messages to Lawmakers!
Tell Congress to REJECT All Gun-Control Bills! Blast Faxes to Lawmakers!
Tell U.S. Senators: Do Not Confirm McCarthy to Head E.P.A. Sign the Petition and Send Messages to Lawmakers!
June 2, 2013
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