Wednesday, June 12, 2013


June 12, 2013
Patriot Act author slams FISC, NSA for widespread surveillance
The author of the 2001 Patriot Act says that the Obama Administration’s excusing of the NSA’s giant surveillance sweep is “a bunch of bunk.” Speaking with Laura Ingraham on her radio show Wednesday, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner claims that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has gone beyond the powers they were given under the post-9/11 law.
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Obama, DHS lawlessness on immigration exposed by watchdogs
While President Barack Obama pushed hard on Tuesday for support of his immigration agenda and the proposed legislation by the so-called “gang of eight” U.S. senators, an “Inside the Beltway” watchdog group announced it obtained documents that revealed the Obama administration’s lawlessness in complying with current immigration enforcement laws and regulations.
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Napolitano discusses border security with sheriffs, police chiefs
When President Barack Obama began stumping for his amnesty for illegal aliens and the so-called “gang of eight” reform bill on Tuesday, his Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano prepared the way with a telephone conference with sheriffs and police chiefs serving near the U.S.-Mexican border on Monday, according to officials with the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) directorate.
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Big Brother Obama Is Watching
It has become evident that Barack Obama’s definition of “fundamentally transforming the United States” includes Big Brother harassing selected conservatives while monitoring everybody’s email and telephone traffic. These seem to be among the surprising duties of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the National Security Agency (NSA), respectively.
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The Deficit Is Still Bad News
To listen to much of the mainstream media recently, one would assume that the battle against the national debt has been won.
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Why Gettysburg?
This summer, the 150th anniversary commemoration of the largest battle fought during the American civil war will be held at Gettysburg. When the troops diverged upon the little Pennsylvania town, who could have imagined that the armies would leave over 50,000 casualties behind? The immensity of the tragedy at Gettysburg is almost incomprehensible. But the battle of Gettysburg was not an isolated event during the four years of war that would send over 600,000 men into eternity. The killing on the battlefields had begun two years prior to the three hot July battle in Pennsylvania.
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Today the United States Senate takes preliminary votes to move the Gang of Eight immigration reform bill forward. This dangerous bill is anything but conservative and has language that would establish a national biometric database! We demand that this language be ERASED from the bill! Help us spread our petition to STOP S. 744 by donating a Facebook Post! Click the image below, then click "share." 

No National ID! Important vote on S. 744 today.
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The Administration: Scarier Than You Could Imagine
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America’s New Normal: Mass Surveillance, Secret Courts and Death to Whistleblowers
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EPA climatism: Dictating our lives, living standards and life spans
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Catholic bishops ‘sucked’ into Obama attack on freedom, says police adviser
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Petition: Tell Congress to Abolish the I.R.S.! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to AUDIT the I.R.S.! Select Here

Petition: Tell Senators to OPPOSE the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to OPPOSE Biometric Database! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to Secure the Borders First! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to Create a Joint Select Committee to INVESTIGATE the 9/11/12 Benghazi Attacks! Select Here

Petition: Tell your State Government to NULLIFY federal gun-control bills! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to Stop “Free” Taxpayer Funded Cell Phones! Select Here

Petition: Tell U.S. Senators to Oppose Confirmation of McCarthy to Head E.P.A. Select Here

Petition: House Conservatives Must Vote Down Rules On All Government-Growing Legislation! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to PASS Sen. Ted Cruz' "Obamacare Repeal Act!" Select Here

Fax: Tell Congress to Defund the Police State! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to Investigate and Defund West Point's Center for Combating Terrorism! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to Support S. 201 to STOP Military Aid to Egypt! Select Here

Fax: Tell Congress to Investigate the 9/11/12 Benghazi Attack Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to Keep Presidential Term Limits, Oppose H.J. Res. 15 Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress They Are Responsible for the Outcome of Increased Gun Control! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to Reject the Feinstein, Lautenberg, and Schumer Gun-control Bills! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to Oppose Online Sales Taxes! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to REFUSE the U.N. Gun Treaty Select Here

"I Believe in the Right to Secede" (Petition) Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress "No United Nations Internet Control" Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to Investigate the Benghazi Attack! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to Re-Evaluate U.S. Foreign Aid Select Here

Petition: Send your Representative, Senators, and Obama the full US Constitution and the Bill of Rights! Select Here

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