Friday, June 14, 2013


June 13, 2013
Reid: Gun-control ‘Will Pass’
Speaking today on the six month anniversary of the Sandy Hook shooting, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid reiterated the “need” for Congress to strengthen federal gun-control. “The writing is on the wall,” said Reid. “Background checks will pass, the only question is when.”
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Patriot Act author says NSA surveillance ‘an abuse’ of the law
Obama and his Administration defended the National Security Agency’s widespread snooping on many millions of Americans saying that the Agency’s actions were justified under certain provisions of the Patriot Act. However, the GOP lawmaker who authored the 2001 law claims that the Obama Administration’s excusing of the massive data sweep is “a bunch of bunk.”
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Reid, Senate Kill Grassley Amendment
This morning the Senate voted and effectively defeated Sen. Chuck Grassley‘s amendment to the Gang of Eight immigration reform bill, S. 744. Majority Leader Harry Reid motioned to table the amendment, an action which was supported by 56 additional Senators.
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The Enemy is Us
It’s great for President Obama to grandly assure the world that “This war, like all wars, must end.” That’s what liberals have been wanting to do since about ten minutes after 9/11. But the president wants to hedge his bet. For political reasons, if nothing else, he wants to be sure that there isn’t a repetition of 9/11. So there will be no end to the war at the NSA.
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Meet Jan Cooper: A Real American
Many of us are asking ourselves nowadays what happened to the America we once knew and loved? What happened to the America that had faith in God, believed in rugged individualism, and awarded merit while punishing lawbreakers? That America, at least temporarily, has been found. Her name is Jan Cooper.
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Government Intimidation As An Attack On The First Amendment
Muslim leaders in TN, sponsored by the US Attorney’s office (attorney Bill Killian) and the FBI (agent Kenneth Moore) held a propaganda meeting on June 4 to try to convince people that they can be prosecuted under the Civil Rights Act of 1968 for speaking out against Islamic Terrorism and Shari’ah Law. “Killian and Moore will provide input on how civil rights can be violated by those who post inflammatory documents targeted at Muslims on social media,” said a report leading up to the event.
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Obama, DHS lawlessness on immigration exposed by watchdogs
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Napolitano discusses border security with sheriffs, police chiefs
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Big Brother Obama Is Watching
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The Deficit Is Still Bad News
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Why Gettysburg?
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Petition: Tell Congress to Abolish the I.R.S.! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to AUDIT the I.R.S.!
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Petition: Tell Senators to OPPOSE the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty!
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Petition: Tell Congress to OPPOSE Biometric Database!
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Petition: Tell Congress to Secure the Borders First!
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Petition: Tell Congress to Create a Joint Select Committee to INVESTIGATE the 9/11/12 Benghazi Attacks!
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Petition: Tell your State Government to NULLIFY federal gun-control bills!
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Petition: Tell Congress to Stop “Free” Taxpayer Funded Cell Phones!
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Petition: Tell U.S. Senators to Oppose Confirmation of McCarthy to Head E.P.A.
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Petition: House Conservatives Must Vote Down Rules On All Government-Growing Legislation!
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Petition: Tell Congress to PASS Sen. Ted Cruz' "Obamacare Repeal Act!"
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Fax: Tell Congress to Defund the Police State!
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Petition: Tell Congress to Investigate and Defund West Point's Center for Combating Terrorism!
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Petition: Tell Congress to Support S. 201 to STOP Military Aid to Egypt!
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Fax: Tell Congress to Investigate the 9/11/12 Benghazi Attack
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Petition: Tell Congress to Keep Presidential Term Limits, Oppose H.J. Res. 15
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Petition: Tell Congress They Are Responsible for the Outcome of Increased Gun Control!
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Petition: Tell Congress to Reject the Feinstein, Lautenberg, and Schumer Gun-control Bills!
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Petition: Tell Congress to Oppose Online Sales Taxes!
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Petition: Tell Congress to REFUSE the U.N. Gun Treaty
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"I Believe in the Right to Secede" (Petition)
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Petition: Tell Congress "No United Nations Internet Control"
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Petition: Tell Congress to Investigate the Benghazi Attack!
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Petition: Tell Congress to Re-Evaluate U.S. Foreign Aid
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Petition: Send your Representative, Senators, and Obama the full US Constitution and the Bill of Rights!
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