Monday, June 10, 2013


June 10, 2013
Exposing the Enemy of the People
There is a fable about a doe blind in one eye who was accustomed to grazing as near to the edge of the cliff as she possibly could, in the hope of securing her greater safety. She turned her sound eye toward the land that she might get the earliest tidings of the approach of hunter or hound and her injured eye towards the sea, from whence she entertained no anticipation of danger.
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The Sierra Club exposed
In a news cycle where the lack of transparency is revealed daily, it is refreshing when something previously opaque exposes its true motives. Such is the case for the Sierra Club and its desire to block oil and gas drilling.
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IRS-Gate: Call A Special Counsel
Every U.S. president seems to have one primary historical hallmark – positive or negative – that characterizes his legacy. For Abraham Lincoln it was the abolition of slavery, for FDR it was the New Deal, for Bill Clinton it was Monica Lewinsky, for George W. Bush it was the Islamic terrorist attacks of 9/11, and for Barack Obama it will be, quite simply, scandal – lots and lots of scandal.
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Closing the Wealth Gap With Personal Retirement Accounts
The annual Trustees Report for Social Security has just been issued, and the news is that there is no news. Social Security is on its way over a fiscal cliff – what we hear every year when the report is issued. According to this year’s report, Social Security will be insolvent in 2033 – 20 years from now – when those now 47 years old will be eligible for their full promised benefits.
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Sen. Paul to Challenge NSA in Court
“They’re looking at a billion phone calls a day … that doesn’t sound to me like a modest invasion of privacy, it sounds like an extraordinary invasion of privacy," says Sen. Rand Paul.
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Rubio says legalization is going to happen 'first'
The GOP members of the the Gang of Eight plan always said that border security would come first — that is, it would come before the legalization of illegal immigrants, or amnesty. It was Sen. Chuck Schumer that heralded that “first, people will be legalized … then, we will make sure the border is secure.” So is the GOP claim that S. 744 is a Borders First plan actually the case?
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Tomorrow the United States Senate is set to vote to move the Gang of Eight immigration reform bill forward. This dangerous bill is anything but conservative and has language that would establish a national biometric database! We demand that this language be ERASED from the bill! Help us spread our petition to STOP S. 744 by donating a Facebook Post! Click the image below, then click "share." 

BHO says NSA not listening to phone calls
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House Action Falls Short of Blocking DHS Bullet Hoarding
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NSA’s Verizon surveillance: how the White House tramples our constitution
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What happens in the backroom of a sue-and-settle lawsuit?
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The face of Obamacare failure: John Edwards will resume suing medical providers
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Petition: Tell Congress to Abolish the I.R.S.! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to AUDIT the I.R.S.! Select Here

Petition: Tell Senators to OPPOSE the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to OPPOSE Biometric Database! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to Secure the Borders First! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to Create a Joint Select Committee to INVESTIGATE the 9/11/12 Benghazi Attacks! Select Here

Petition: Tell your State Government to NULLIFY federal gun-control bills! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to Stop “Free” Taxpayer Funded Cell Phones! Select Here

Petition: Tell U.S. Senators to Oppose Confirmation of McCarthy to Head E.P.A. Select Here

Petition: House Conservatives Must Vote Down Rules On All Government-Growing Legislation! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to PASS Sen. Ted Cruz' "Obamacare Repeal Act!" Select Here

Fax: Tell Congress to Defund the Police State! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to Investigate and Defund West Point's Center for Combating Terrorism! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to Support S. 201 to STOP Military Aid to Egypt! Select Here

Fax: Tell Congress to Investigate the 9/11/12 Benghazi Attack Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to Keep Presidential Term Limits, Oppose H.J. Res. 15 Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress They Are Responsible for the Outcome of Increased Gun Control! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to Reject the Feinstein, Lautenberg, and Schumer Gun-control Bills! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to Oppose Online Sales Taxes! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to REFUSE the U.N. Gun Treaty Select Here

"I Believe in the Right to Secede" (Petition) Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress "No United Nations Internet Control" Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to Investigate the Benghazi Attack! Select Here

Petition: Tell Congress to Re-Evaluate U.S. Foreign Aid Select Here

Petition: Send your Representative, Senators, and Obama the full US Constitution and the Bill of Rights! Select Here

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