Thursday, July 25, 2013

law abiding Americans? GUNS FOR EVERYONE

Where are we already delivering free guns to law abiding Americans? Read on...

Help the Underprivileged in Dangerous Neighborhoods to Protect Themselves
At the Armed Citizen Project, we’re on the front line of the war against those who would trample our rights. But it’s not just a matter of defending our rights. Gun grabbing is bad public policy, too, and we remind people constantly how so much gun control for so long has delivered so little in the way of meaningful results.
We tell them an armed society is a polite society, that lives are saved every day because armed people – good, solid Americans who know the police can’t be everywhere all the time – step up to stop crime.

We know the places with the most restrictive gun laws – Chicago, New York City, Washington, D.C., Baltimore – are among the most dangerous cities in the nation.  We know neighborhoods in the cities we focus on are safer when not only the bad guys are armed but the good guys as well.

Help the Underprivileged in Dangerous Neighborhoods
We need your help to bring this safety and security to America’s neighborhoods. We need to be heard in the debate over Second Amendment rights. The story of Newtown – and Chicago, Washington, D.C., Baltimore and elsewhere –  is not that there were insufficient gun laws.  The guns Adam Lanza used were legally purchased, legally registered, legally stored. He and his mother had been trained in their use.

The Armed Citizen Project can’t help in Chicago, where the homicide total for 2013 has already surpassed the 200 mark or in DC whose once record setting murder rate is now being challenged by the Windy City-- because of the weapons laws. Both cities continue to be victimized by laws and local governments that restrict the rights of citizens to bear arms and protect themselves.

The ban in D.C. was lifted after the Supreme Court ruled in the Heller case that it was unconstitutional. But the city has responded by erecting a system for acquiring firearms that virtually nobody has the time or money to take on.


We operate primarily in two cities now – Houston and Tucson – but we’re growing and, with the help of you and citizens like you who care about America’s future, we will be a full-service nationwide operation before long.

Why? Because we need more than an active citizenry to defeat those who don’t understand the Second Amendment, the will and character of the American people or the stupidity of having large swaths of our major cities where the bad guys are armed to the teeth and the good guys are prevented by law from defending themselves.

We want to be doing this in 15 cities by the end of this year. To do that, we need your help. Your gift of $100 or $200 or even $500 will help us train and arm law-abiding citizens to keep America’s neighborhoods safe.

At the Armed Citizen Project, we go into some of America’s toughest neighborhoods and even the score between criminals and law-abiding citizens. We do this by training citizens to use and store firearms responsibly and, if they desire, by presenting them with a shotgun they can use to protect their homes, lives and property.

We do this to help people such as Elbert Wood. He’s a 93-year-old World War II veteran in Houston. He came home from a doctor’s appointment in January to find his home vandalized. He feared staying there and worried about what might happen if the people who stole from him decided to come back.
A lot of people lent a hand to keep Mr. Wood safe. But we thought, “What more can we do? What can we do to help Elbert Wood be prepared should something like this happen again?”

Help Where It’s Needed Most
Shouldn’t Citizens in Dangerous Neighborhoods be Able to Protect Themselves?

Change the Status Quo on Guns

At the Armed Citizen Project we want to create a wave of new and responsible gun owners … people who may never have considered owning or using a weapon before. We make sure they are legally and mentally qualified, show them how to do it and help them through the process of acquiring, licensing and using weapons.

And that is where we come in.  Help us today. Your gift of $100 or $200 or even $500 could help save a life that is near and dear to you. Thanks for reading this. And thanks for your consideration.



P.S. The Armed Citizen Project is proud to announce its new online store. It offers T-shirts and window stickers. Proceeds go to provide pump-action shotguns and responsible new gun owners. With every purchase comes a chance to win a Remington 1911 with custom ACP holster donated by Garrett Industries. Thank you to Garrett Industries, and please support the Armed Citizen Project and our new store.

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