Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Wednesday, July 10th 

Zimmerman Trial Wrapping Up
After almost two weeks, the trial of George Zimmerman is winding down and the defense is expected to rest its argument very soon, perhaps as soon as today. Closing arguments could take place as soon as Friday. Today Judge Debra Nelson ruled against allowing the defense to present two pieces of evidence: A computer animation depiction of Zimmerman and Martin's confrontation, as well as text messages sent from Martin's phone related to fighting. However Judge Nelson did reverse a previous decision, allowing for the defense to present lab results showing that traces of marijuana were present in Martin's system at the time he was killed. The chances of Zimmerman appearing on the stand are unlikely, though the jury has heard interviews (such as mine) where Zimmerman has told his side of the story.

Yesterday the jury heard from a very credible witness by the name of Vincent DiMaio. He is a renowned expert on gunshot wounds. Based on his expertise, he testified that the bullet passed through Trayvon Martin's clothing, which hung 2-4 inches from his skin. Why is that important? Because if you are leaning over someone, then your clothes will hang away from your body versus if you are on your back and your clothes would be directly on your skin. This corroborates with other testimony, which has placed Trayvon Martin on top of Zimmerman, pinning him down to the sidewalk and executing ground-and-pound, MMA-style punches. Once the one eye witness, John Goode, was able to explain that Trayvon Martin was on top and using this ground-and-pound, MMA-style technique on Zimmerman, I believe this trial was essentially over.

I Expected This
I've received some flak from the predictable players who were upset that I brought up the fact that the Broward County Sheriff’s office is preparing a Zimmerman verdict riot plan. There apparently is reason for the police to believe that this is a necessary precautionary step. I think it is sad that this is the case. I would truly hope that violence wouldn't be the natural reaction to the outcome of any case, including this one. But the fact is that sheriffs in several Florida counties have reason to believe that they need to be ready when the verdict is reached. I can't blame them for preparing for the worst, and hoping for the best but it’s certainly a sad statement on our culture.
Future of Immigration Reform
Today the Republicans in the House are having a meeting to discuss the fate of immigration reform. This issue has truly managed to divide conservatives, but I hope it is a divide that can be overcome. I've said from the beginning that the crucial first step in any immigration reform legislation is to secure the border first. This is important because if we don't get serious about securing the border, then we will continue to have this debate in the years to come. The 1986 immigration bill passed, yet here we are debating the issue again. Why? Because our border was not secured. Some conservatives view the “secure the border first” argument as draconian. I see it as pragmatic. It is the first step in a series of reforms that are important to this nation's immigration policy. It's not coming from a place of heartlessness, nor is it coming from a desire to kill immigration reform altogether. I recognize that most Americans want something to be don e on immigration reform, but I don't think we should do something for the sake of doing something; We need to be smart and work to solve the problem. Without limiting or stopping the flow of illegal immigrants by securing our borders, it makes legal immigration reform more difficult to achieve as well.  I've been covering the immigration reform battle for months now.  For a complete rundown of coverage, check out this page on

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums:
Article 2 Section 2 - Posted by Mohawk 5
"He shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed." Is the delay of the health care mandate constitutional? What is the real reason for the delay? This administration's key piece of legislation that has been in the works for 3 years now is being delayed because they can't figure out how to get the exchanges communicating with the IRS. Between the waivers being given out and this failure of implementing the law on time tells me there is major work to be done. I just don't get how they have failed so miserably with their plan?

>>TV Tonight (9pm ET on Fox News) Candid, controversial and completely unleashed! It's one hour of pure Sean!

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