Monday, August 5, 2013


Hannity's Headlines

Monday, August 5th

Sen. Mike Lee: Defund ObamaCare
As we described last week, nobody wants ObamaCare. Leading the charge to defund the president's disastrous healthcare legislation is Senator Mike Lee who joined the show via the NewsMaker Hotline. "When the president unilaterally decided not to enforce ObamaCare's employer mandate, he was admitting that the law is not ready to implement. But instead of protecting all Americans from this train wreck, he chose to protect only big business, while unfairly forcing everyone else into ObamaCare's unstable and unsound system," says Lee. "Congress controls the power to appropriate funds, so defunding ObamaCare is simple. The House can add language to the next spending bill, known in Washington as a "continuing resolution," that says Congress will fund all the functions of government - the military, veterans benefits, Social Security, entitlement programs, etc. - except ObamaCare. After the House passes that bill, Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Senate Democrats will have a choice: Fund the government or shut it down to protect ObamaCare," concluded Lee.

Is Defunding ObamaCare The Best Strategy?
On 'Hannity' Sean spoke with Sen. John Barrasso and Rep. Michael Burgess about the possibility of defunding ObamaCare. Burgess felt that defunding strategy is one of our last options to stop ObamaCare. "It may literally be the only tool in the toolbox to try to keep the train wreck from happening. And, you know, look, you see the train wreck coming down the track, aren't you going to try to do something to keep that from occurring?" Burgess explained. "On September 15th when people see how much their premiums have increased, a young man aged 30, non-smoker right now, the premium average in the state of Texas last January was $360, I guarantee you it's going up. And it will be worse in September of 2014, leading into the 2014 elections. The Democrats will be clamoring for this thing to be defunded and repealed by then." Barrasso went so far as to offer a prediction of of the fate of ObamaCare. "I will predict to you tonight, Sean that, just as we had the Fourth of July surprise with this delay of the employer mandate, I will predict to you there will going to be additional surprises coming out because this administration can see clearly that this law is unraveling in-front of their eyes." To watch Sean's interview with Barrasso and Burgess, please click here.
The Lost Dream
Dr. Michael Youssef, author of "When the Crosses are Gone" and and filmmaker Jehan Harney, who just released the film, "The Lost Dream", joined guest host Congressman Louie Gohmert. Ten years after the US-led war in Iraq, thousands of displaced Iraqi refugees are still facing a crisis in the United States. 'The Lost Dream' follows two refugees who had to flee Iraq in order to avoid threats by Al-Qaeda-affiliated groups and Iraqi insurgents that consider them "traitors" for supporting US forces in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Once in the U.S., however, they find themselves without any resources or support, wondering in the end if it was all worth it. Through their Iraqi home videos, personal diaries, and media coverage the film intimately captures their emotional, psychological, and physical struggles as they try to reconcile their hopes for a liberated Iraq with their harsh reality as refugees who can never go home. For more on 'The Lost Dream' and where you can watch this fantastic documentary, please click here.

Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums:
Strange Timing for Terrorist Threats - avergbear
In the middle of the American People and members of Congress discovering what many consider to be just the tip of the iceberg on domestic spying and the unconstitutional invasion of privacy on American Citizens, the question must be asked. Could the recent warnings about a looming terrorist attack be part of a damage control effort by the Obama Administration?

>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 9pm ET):
Candid, controversial and completely unleashed! It's one hour of pure Sean!

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