Thursday, September 5, 2013


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Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for September 5th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

Video evidence that Anthony Weiner is winning the hearts and minds of NYC voters

Did I say “winning”? I meant “totally just lost”… sorry...

Bill Clinton begins Obamacare sales pitch: ‘It will empower people to have better life stories’

Recently, President Obama tapped Bill Clinton to “explain” Obamacare to America...

Obama on Syria ‘red line’: The world drew that, not me

About a year ago, President Obama said “a red line for us” — presumably meaning his administration — would be Syria moving around or utilizing chemical weapons...

More From the Right Side of the Web

Featured Videos

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This morning on "FOX & Friends," Michelle talked about President Obama's pathological buck passing and universities' push for students to make Wikipedia more feminist-friendly.

Stop Common Core Link of the Day

Michelle's Top Tweets

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And ... Our Hate Tweet of the Day

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Somebody needs her mouth washed out with soap.

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